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Felix trained his eyes on the wolf in front of him, casting a shallow stare at its direction. Work was never done, it seemed like it. Edward’s hands clasped the shaft of a shovel, digging one deep hole for a dead wolf beside him.

“Well isn’t this just one big fucking shitty problem.” Felix growled, the exasperation in his voice made very clear and present.

“I called you here for help, you’re late.” The wolf scowled, burying the head of his shovel into the ground.

Edward’s disapproving gaze made him even more upset. It no longer felt worth it helping Edward. Things were getting dangerous and he didn’t want to be near the North when one little mistake happened.

“I spoke with my dear old brother, turns out, he already knows. His dammed Beta was attacked last night. He came to you, but found your precious little daughter instead and who knows what they’re doing now? Fucking to their heart’s content.”

He locked his jaws, furiously staring him down.

When he was a kid, he remembered being at awe for all the amazing things Edward was known for.

A one-man army capable of slaughtering dozens of men in only a few minutes. But what he admired more about Edward was the fact that he adopted the three of them, him, Ignacios and Lyra as his true children.

But the Edward he saw now, obsessed with hiding from his true past had made Felix feel sorry for him.

Felix was tired and done of all this madness and pretending.

“Felix, come here.” Edward sighed heavily.

“No.” He sternly replied.

Edward’s face contorted, the chilling blue eyes that Felix became familiar with now turning into a bloody rage of seething anger. He stood near him, chest puffed against each other.

With a terrifying swiftness, Edward’s fist flew towards his face. Felix landed the ground with a loud and painful thud.

“Watch your mouth, Felix.” Edward held his fist.

As he laid on the ground, he held his expression tightly. He tasted the metallic flavor of blood, dripping down from his nose and into his lips.

Slowly, he stood, wiping the stench of blood off of his face. He struggled with his balance, finding comfort against a tree.

“I’m done and I’m leaving.”

The ground beneath him thundered as Edward charged at him and grabbed him by the collar.

Felix fought back, punching the Edward on his stomach. The wolf didn’t flinch, instead, he dragged him up against the tree, choking Felix. He gripped Edward’s arms, digging his nails into his skin. But the wolf was relentless and held his neck with a vice-like grip.

His breathing started to get heavy and desperation started to kick in. Before anything worse happened, Edward let him back to the ground.

“You are not leaving.” The wolf whispered. His eyes shining with a dangerous glow.

Felix could see it, Edward unhinged was the most terrifying thing.

“What we are doing is just a lost cause!” He bellowed.

“It doesn’t matter, we finish what we started.”

Felix forced himself to stand up, straightening his composure.

“Lyra will never allow herself to leave.”

“You don’t know that!” It was now Edward who bellowed. “All she needs is a little push.”

“It’s not my fault I don’t love her as much as I say I do.” He let the truth out.

A few years ago, he did love her. Loved everything about her. But it wasn’t the kind of love you would go crazy for. He soon realized that what he felt for her was more of a familial feeling.

He had only loved her as a sibling, a sister, and not any more than that.

“It’s not fair that I’m lying to myself and to her.”

“Well, Felix, if you really loved her, even just a smidge, you would keep your promise to help me move her.”

“I will not sacrifice my freedom because you’re too much of a coward to face your own past.” He scowled dauntingly.

“Felix…” Edward warned.

“Why can’t you just own up and be the father that you are.”

“Enough, Felix.”

“Just fucking tell her that you’re her real father and let’s be done with it.”

Felix couldn’t contain himself. That was the truth he was hiding. All these secrets, killing, and pretending to be oblivious about the whole thing was starting to eat him up.

The reason why Edward was going through extreme lengths to carry out his secrets was to keep Lyra in the darkness.

If she found out, all hell would break loose. Because an unstable wolf like Lyra was the most dangerous thing he could ever imagine.

“You know my reasons for not telling her.” Edward shook his head.

“And I’m sorry for that, Ned, but I just can’t live through this. The longer you keep this a secret, the greater she will hate you.”

For a moment, Edward paused. Thinking of what Felix had just said.

“I’d gladly have her hate me than see her lying dead on the ground.”

Felix became angered. “That's not going to happen if we tell her!”

“Telling her she's my daughter is a risk that I will not take, not after everything that I've lost.” Edward frowned.

“That’s awfully selfish of you.” He says, feeling his heart become heavy.

The heavy atmosphere that consumed both of them was steadily getting thicker. It was sadness and despair that overtook him. It hurt to have this kind of talk with the wolf he treated as his own father.

“Call me what you will but as long you have the scar on the palm of your hand, you are obligated to do what I say.”

Felix glanced at his hand, seeing his disfigured skin, reminding him of the pact he made with Edward. He remained silent, breathing heavily as he wallowed in his own dismay.

“My sources reported a suspicious female wolf with her mate staying in a hotel in our border. Pay them a visit and see what they're up to.” He spoke with finality in his voice.

Edward turned away from Felix and resumed digging with his shovel. Nothing was exchanged after that, only a deep and bellowing cold call of madness kept scream Felix’s name.

As he walked, a tear slid down his cheek. He could barely control his wolf. He knew he had no chance of winning Lyra but he couldn’t wait for this to be over.

A month and a half were left for Iggy’s birthday and whatever shit-storm was about to happen, Felix was going to prepare himself. If protecting Lyra was what Edward wanted, then he would gladly do it.

To prove that he wasn’t just a shadow of a grim past.


Ooo, uhm. Are you shooked or nah?

Sorry for this being short.  :3

I intentionally wanted to publish this part along with the last update but I felt as though it needed a chapter for itself.

Please tell me what you think!

Tell me your thoughts in the comments down below.  <3

And yeah, Felix does not love Lyra as a lover.  UwU

Loving you always,
—Jino 💕

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