Chapter 1 A new God in Hoshido

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3rd Pov

Somewhere in the seas of Japan. The might Kaiju monster Godzilla was walking in the seas trying to survive and does his time but it was then a portal came. Godzilla roars only to hear singing in. It was then he was sucked in while he tries to hold on. Godzilla was then roaring while the portal was then gone.

Somewhere in another world

Somewhere in the room Corrin was dreaming. As she enters the dream world she then looks to see a battle. It was then she was with 4 Hoshido siblings that say she was her brothers and sisters. It was then her brothers and sisters came. As she can't decide a earthquake came. It was it was bigger and it was getting louder. Corrin looks behind to see a giant lizard monster. He then roars louder and everyone was then throwing anything at him but does not take damage. It was then he his dorsal fins were glowing and he opens his mouth. He then shoot out his blue fire at them destroying them. Corrin was then scared until the beast looks at her. He then fire his breath while Corrin screams. Corrin woke up with a scream. She was breathing harder while she wants to know what happened. She then looks at the window to know was it a dream or if could happen.


As the portal opens it was then Godzilla was then human. Godzilla falls down while he was getting up and he looks around. He looks to see what looks like a Japanese building.

Godzilla: " Wait were am I? This does look like Japan."

Godzilla was then walking until he heard someone yelled. Godzilla was walking to the noise until he looks to see a fight. It was between some people in armor while they looked like they are wearing weird fabric outfits. Godzilla was then confused until some ninjas came.

Ninja: " Hold it Nohrian scum."

Godzilla: " What is Nohrian?"

Ninja: " You are what are you dumb?!"

Godzilla: " Well I have some Brains but really I sometimes clumsy."

The Ninjas were then confused until they attack him. Godzilla was then trying to defend himself then he gets mad.

Godzilla: " That's it!!! You are getting me mad!!!"

Godzilla was then growing while his armor turns into his skin. The ninjas were then running while everyone saw the big monster. The Nohrians were then retreating while the Hoshidian prince was then looking at this beast.

Ryoma: " Gods this is a giant one...... Men retreat and warn the others!!!!"

As the Hoshido army ran from the beast. Godzilla was then looking around for any oceans so he can go in and feed on radiation.

Godzilla was then moving to the south to find the sea.


In the palace of Shirasagi Mikoto the queen of Hoshido was looking at the throne to remember her husband and her daughter that was taken in Nohr. It was then Ryoma came to see her. Mikoto was happy to see her step son growing up.

Mikoto: " Ryoma my sweet child how was it?"

Ryoma: " Mother I'm going to say it but please listen to me. And it would be crazy."

Mikoto: " Ok so what did you see?"

Ryoma: " When we went to the fort by the bottomless canyon we saw what we never saw all those years."

Mikoto: " What is it?"

Ryoma: " It's a beast that came out of no where. It was moving but we manage to escape while the beast was going. Judging by the size it's bigger then this palace but huge."

Mikoto: " I see well I do believe but you need to rest."

Ryoma was silent while he goes to his room to rest. Mikoto prays for this new beast that he could be part of the legends must be true.

Mikoto: " Beast from what you came. Please save hoshido, nohr, and what lands that are still alive from a new threat."

Meanwhile at space

Somewhere in space a UFO space ship was floating in space. The alien leader was then smiling to see this new planet. He then waited as his grunt came.

Alien grunt: " Sir we have found this planet."

Alien leader: " Good send a monster to attack."

Alien grunt: " Yes sir."

It was then a alien grunt sent a monster down. It was then hopes for the Planet is the monster Godzilla.

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