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"What are we gonna do?!" Jay yelled, seeing that the villagers are hypnotized.

"For now..." Cole said, seeing that the snake leader had instructed to attack them, and were getting close to them. "We run!!!"

They ran different directions, but ended up in the same hiding place.

"What do we do?!" Jay frantically asked. "They hypnotized the whole village!"

"Calm down, Bluebell," Cole said. "I'm sure we can think of something!"

"Well, would you mind thinking faster?!" Kai asked.

"Hey, at least I'm trying to help! All you're doing is complaining!" Cole said back.

"Brothers, now is not the time to argue," Zane stepped in. "We have to stop this situation."

"I agree with Frosty over here," Jay said. "We can't let those snakes take over the village!"

"Brothers, please do mind taking this argument after we've defeated these snakes," Zane said.

Cole and Kai mumbled something, but didn't continue arguing nonetheless.

"So, how are we gonna defeat them?" Jay asked.

"There must be a way to defeat them!" Cole said. "When there's a problem, there's always a solution!"

"Too bad there's no solution for you to stop being a bad cook," Kai said.


"What?! It's the truth Zane!"

"Maybe we can scare them away," Jay suggested.

"The only way we're gonna scare them it's if Cole tries to cook again."


"Oh, sorry. My bad," Kai said sarcastically.

Zane sighed, clearly annoyed by his brothers attitude.

"Maybe we can drive them away from here," Cole said.

"But what about the villagers?" Zane said. "Would they follow them?"

"...Now that's a problem," Cole said. He then peeked to see if any hypnotized villagers or any snakes followed them. When he didn't see anyone, he looked back to Zane. "If we drive the snakes away, the villagers might follow them, and we might not be able to break the hypnotism."

"We could..." Kai started. "Follow the snakes to their base!"

"Yeah, but, we're putting the villagers in risk!" Cole said.

While Kai and Cole were in their little bickering, Jay and Zane noticed some snakes coming towards them.

"Ummm," Jay said. "Guys?" Cole and Kai didn't pay any attention to Jay and continued their little "argument." "Guys...Guys!!" Jay said a little louder.

"What?!" Cole and Kai snapped at Jay. At that moment snakes had found them. "Oh crap..."


Back at the monastery, Lloyd and Morro were talking.

"Hey, Morro?" Lloyd suddenly said. "Yeah?" Morro said.

"Why do you...hate uncle Wu?" Lloyd asked. "Ah, shit..." Morro said, slouching onto the chair he was sitting on.

Normally, Lloyd wouldn't care if Morro said a cuss word, but this time, he grew curious. Sure, he always heard Morro cuss, but he never knew what the words he said meant.

Lloyd gave him a confused look. "Shit?" he said.

Oh no he didn't! "Don't say that word!" Morro quickly said.

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