He Should Have Never Found Out

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"Lizzie, does Ash know about this?" He asked pointing to your arm as the tears started down both of your guy's cheeks. You shook your head sadly, looking at the ground.

"He....... he doesn't know about anything that's going on. I keep it all to myself," you whispered as you wiped the tears from your eyes.

"Hold on just a second. Don't go anywhere," he said as he started out of the room. You sat down on the couch and buried your face in your hands, the tears now streaming down your face as you sobbed into your hands. Luke came back a minute later with Ashton and the other two boys.

"Lizzie? What's wrong? Are you okay?" Ashton asked worriedly as he rushed over to your spot on the couch. Once he got there he made you look him in the eyes and tell you what was wrong, as the other boys made their way over to you. Once they were all sitting in front of or around you, you pulled up your sleeves for them to see. They all stared in disbelief until Michael hugged you and pulled your head to his chest, and you cried as he talked to you.

"Its alright, we're here and we won't leave you. Its going to be okay, we're going to help you get better, we promise," he cooed as you continued to sob into his chest. You pulled back after a minute to look at your boyfriend. All that he did was pull up his sleeves and you saw his scars (I'm not saying that Ashton still cuts, nor should he). You hugged him close to you as the tears started to now stream from his eyes as well.

"Promise me that you will never do this," you said gesturing to his arms and wrists, "Again."

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