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Sabrina carpenter walked out of an antique shop on a Friday night. It was pitch black outside and no one else seemed to be out. Sabrina adjusted her coat and walked down the block as the store owner closed up. As she walked down the sidewalk, all she could hear was her feet walking along, But then, she heard a screeching of tires and she turned around. A van came zipping around the corner. One man was standing out of the side of it shouting. Sabrina looked ahead and started walking faster down the block. Just was she was about to turn the corner, some one grabbed her and she was pulled back.

"Ahhh!" Sabrina screamed as she was being taken away. Two men held her against the van and Sabrina called for help. She looked to her left and saw one of the men from the van shoot into the antique shop. The two men restraining her taunted her. "Oh look at this one" "She's real pretty" "Hello missie." The third man showed up and came towards Sabrina . She looked at this man who was staring back at her, uncomfortably. And then he kissed her.

Sabrina turned away and pulled her arms off the two other guys. She punched the guys who kissed her and shoved the other two way. Sabrina took off down the block and around the corner which led to a forest. She brushed against several bushes as she ran. It didn't look like she was going in any particular direction.

The third guy was suddenly next to a tree as she got closer to it. "We meet again," he said.

Sabrina skid as she changed directions in the forest. The first guy was up in one tree right above her. She kept on running, even as they kept popping up. At one point, they surrounded her, but she fought them off and escaped. Finally, she found her home right across the street from the forest. She walked up the driveway, relieved, and opened the door. To her grief, she was greeted by a gun pointing at her but the third man. Her family was inside the house, tied up by the first two guys.

The third man pointed the gun at her forehead and smiled as he pulled the trigger.

Sabrina woke up with a huge, full body flinch. Her alarm was going off with that annoying beep beep beep noise. Sabrina sat up and sighed, placing her face in her hands. She leaned over and turned off the alarm and got out of bed.

Sabrina went downstairs as the aroma of waffles got stronger. Her little sister , Shannon was at the table filling her mouth with a waffle and smiling. Her mom was at the counter, placing a fresh waffle on the plate.

"Ah, perfect timing Sabrina ," her mom said. She outreached her arm with the plate of breakfast on it.

Sabrina smiled and took the plate and sat down for breakfast. She looked over at Shannon who was adding even more syrup to her waffle.

"Hey save some for me," Sabrina said to her.

Shannon giggled.

Her dad came down the steps in a suit and tie and a briefcase. "Honey, do have me breakfast ready? I'm in a hurry today. There was a wreck on Brexville road. The traffic is gonna be a nightmare."

Her mom reached over and handed him his coffee in a thermal cup. "Here you go. Good luck on your case."

He took the coffee and went out the door without saying anything more. Sabrina looked at the door for a few seconds before eating her breakfast.

Sabrina's mom drove her to school and dropped her off. Sabrina walked onto the campus and passed by two of her friends who were talking together by the cafeteria, Gracie and Olivia . They waved at Sabrina but she didn't see them.

Sabrina found her best friend, Heather Lynne with a group of other students. Two were football players, Awsten knight and Geoff Wigington and one of them was a baseball player, Otto Wood one was also a cheerleader, Ariana grande. Sabrina looked at her from several feet away and waited.

After a few minutes, Heather finally looked in her direction and saw her. Sabrina gave her 'the look' and Heather left her friends. "I'll see you guys later."

"Aw where you goin'?" Otto asked.

Heather did a weird motion with her hands as she walked away from them and over to Sabrina . "What's wrong Sabrina ?"

Sabrina walked them over to a section of the school that was less inhabited. "I had another dream." Sabrina said.

Heather moved her head. "You mean the rape dream?"
"That's what happened but it's not how the dream goes. I beat them up. I get away." Sabrina said.

Heather sighed, "That was 7 months ago. I thought you'd moved on."

"I though I had too. It's the third time this week I've had that dream, only this time-"

"We are going to get your mind off of this. Sweet dreams only." Heather said.

Sabrina looked at Heather. "What are you thinking?"

Heather smiled. "You'll see."

"A summer retreat?" Demi asked. She was another one of their friends. They sat at their own table in a group. There was sabrina , and Heather, the two oldest of the group, the Seniors. Then Remington and Maren , Juniors. Next was Olivia , the lone Sophomore. Lastly, there was Demi and Gracie .

"Sounds exciting," Remington said.

"It will be a summer to end all summers," Heather boasted. "Two weeks in my parent's summer cabin. I've already called them and they gave us permission to use it."

"Awesome," Maren said.

"I don't know," Demi said. "Wouldn't you all rather spend a day at the beach instead of two weeks together. I have a summer job."

"Which you can take two weeks off for." Heather said, coolly.

"And what about my family's trip to Venice?" Maren asked.

"That's in July. We're going in the beginning of June." Sabrina said.

"That's next week!" Gracie said.

"Thank you Sherlock," Heather said.

"I have a my sister's birthday party," Demi said.

"She has a birthday party every year, Heather said.

"And I have a wedding to go to." Gracie said. "And a quincenerra too."

"You have those every week. Said sabrina ."

"We want to have this trip as soon as we can. It's our last chance to really spend time together." Sabrina said.
The girls looked town.

"Heather and I are seniors. We graduate on Friday." Sabrina said.

"I think it's a great idea," Olivia said. "You two are going to be leaving us, and this little group will have to find two new freshman, and then the next year, it will be the same."

"Oh you think you'll be the leader of this group?" Heather taunted. "Oh please, Demi is more fit, even for a Freshman.

"Heather!" Sabrina said. "That's out of line," Maren added.

"But how are we all going to get there?" Gracie asked quietly. The other girls in the group looked at her. "How are we all getting to the cabin? I don't even know where it is."

"Ugh," Heather said, "We'll car pool. I have a license so Sabrina is coming with me."

"Wait can't you take more people?" Olivia asked.

"Not with all my luggage." Heather said.

Maren added, "I can drive and I can get us a van. I think the rest of us could fit if we sat on our luggage."

"This isn't a joke Maren ," Heather said.

"I never said it was," Maren said.

"This is going to be the best summer ever," Demi smiled.

Olivia smiled back the other girls agreed.

***Author's note: Thank you for checking out my story. This is unofficially the 8th movie (at least that's how I pictured it). The real 8th saw movie is actually in the works and coming out next year! Hopefully the writers will come across this story one day...

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