Prologue: Abandoned, but Unforgotten.

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Mardos P.O.V.


I've been alone for so long. After being abused and neglected by my parents, and sister, they finally just decided to leave me on a bench, and leave me for dead. I was bullied for the tattoos on my arms, and was given worse punishments for them too.

I was eventually given a deal from a woman by the name of Enna Kros, who revealed herself to be a god. She whisked me off to Grymoire, and let my true potential come to fruition. Or so she said... As it turns out, 'proxy' is just a fancy word people call the unknowing pawns who do their dirty work. I left Enna Kros behind, and focused on building my strength... my army... my stronghold! I know not what awaits my future. But I know I have my part to play in the eyes of others. Wether or not I choose to play it? That's their problem.

*Flashback end*

Location: Castle of Hell

I awake from my bed with a peaceful demeanor. I sit up from my bed, not expecting Max already at my side, using his shield as a makeshift drink platter. I gingerly take my cup of cocoa, and take a swig out of the cup.

(Max) - Rah?

(Mardos) - It's great. Thanks Max.

I gently knock on his helmet, which he seems to enjoy, because every time I do, he begins to giggle.

(Max) - Hehehehehehe.

(Mardos) - Goochie, goochie, you adorable little psycho.

(Max) - Errr... Ruh... Ruhrahrah... Rah.

(Mardos) - I'm sorry, What? WHERE'S WIGGLES?

(Max) - Ruh.

(Mardos) - Go find Yoji and Ryden, and wake them up. I'm going to wrap my face, and find something I won't mind spilling blood on.

Max waddles off to find my 'top two', and I tie my black-and-white striped bandanna on, and wrap my face up. Once I'm done with wrapping my makeshift mask around my face, I paint a pair of black eyes on the wrappings. I look in the mirror, and see Yoji silently come up behind me, with Ryden in tow.

(Ryden) - Ahriii...

(Yoji) - ...

(Mardos) - Good morning, gents! We are going back to the place I never wanted to go back to. We are going back for Wiggles. No other reason, Just... Wiggles.

Yeah, no. After what happened to me there? I'm gonna fuck up all of the shit.


Nora P.O.V.

I can't believe that we really lost him. After a while, Mom, Dad, and I felt we had made a mistake. Then came the grimm attack, and then everyone else was gone. Only when they were gone did I truly feel alone...

(???) - ...ora? Nora? You still awake?

(Nora) - Huh? What? Ren?

(Ren) - We've been worried about you. 

(Ruby) - Yeah, you've been slipping in and out of thought, and you look sad.

(Blake) - Nora? Sad? This is new. What's up?

(Nora) - ...There's something I never told any of you. Not even Ren.

(Weiss) - Not even Ren?

(Ren) - This must be serious. You tell me everything when I'm not by your side to witness it.

(Jaune) - Yeah. What's going on?

(Nora) - I... have a brother.

Everyone looks at me with shocked looks on their faces. I can't say I'm surprised.

(Nora) - My parents and I... never treated him like one of our own though. He'd always go to bed with cuts or bruises all along his body. Everybody made fun of him because of those marks on his arms, us included. It never mattered to us until we left him on a park bench. When we abandoned him, it took us three days to realize that he really mattered to us. We went back to the park, but... he wasn't there. That was the day of the attack. I don't understand how he could have made it out.

(Everyone, including Yang and Pyrrha, who have had nothing to do with this conversation) - ...

(???) - I got out, because I made some deals.

Everyone, including me turn to the voice to see a masked man, wearing a hazel vest, with strange, robotic legs, and a pair of gauntlets that... resembled... his... marks...

(Nora) - M-Mardos? I-is that you?

(???) - Don't think I'm here for you, Valkyrie. Your headmaster has something of great value to me. Something he stole. I'm just here to get it back...


Yes, I know, 735 words is short for me. I just didn't know how to continue it from right here. I hope you enjoy it, I don't know when the next chapter will be out, but I hope you have a great life. 

Adagium Subjugate, OUT!

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