Chapter 15: the abuse

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Tae sighs, "Before Myung hurt me... he went to the room to talk to his body guards... and Sungi-"

Third person P.O.V

"Before Myung hurt me... he went to the room to talk to his body guards... and Sungi touched me...she touched me inappropriately... she abused me daddy." Yoongi's eyes fill with pure rage, "What?!?" Tae covers his ears crying again, "She put her hand on you!! She touched you!! You're mine! Baby why didn't you tell me?!" Yoongi asks making Tae look at him, "D-Daddy's mad a-at me!" Tae hiccups, "No no-" "Daddy d-doesn't love me." Tae gets up and tries to run out of the room, Yoongi grabs Tae by the wrist.

"Let me go!" Tae cries, "Baby, baby please." Yoongi says and Tae looks away, "Baby I'm not mad at you." Tae looks at Yoongi, "Baby, I love you so much, I could never stop loving you. You're all I have and you're all I want!" Yoongi starts crying and Tae hugs him, "Tae you're the best thing that has ever happened to me, I'm sorry I got mad, I didn't mean to get mad at you."

"Daddy..." Tae cries, "Baby, I'm sorry! I love you." Tae kisses Yoongi deep with passion, a few seconds later the nurse comes in, "Haha, am I interrupting something?" She jokes with cause Yoongi and Tae to pull away, Tae blushes and giggles, "Daddy was sad so I gave him a big kiss." Tae smiles and the nurse laughs.

"Is he cheered up now?" She asks and Tae looks at Yoongi, "Uhhhh" Tae kisses Yoongi one more time and then looks at the nurse, "Yes!" Yoongi and the nurse laugh, "Okay, but we need to go get Yoongi's X-rays." Tae pouts, "Can I come too?" Tae asks and Yoongi picks Tae up, "Yes baby, but you need to stay with the nurse." Tae doesn't listen to Yoongi and only snuggles into his chest.

They get to the X-ray room and Yoongi gives Tae to the nurse, Tae whines and Yoongi looks at him with the 'babyyy' look and Tae stops whining, the nurse knows how Tae is a little so she knows what to do. "What are you doing?" Tae asks the nurse, "I'm looking at Yoongi's body." She smiles, "Can I helppp." Tae whines.

"Yeah, touch this button." She points, and Tae hits it, "Good job." Tae giggles at the praise, "Yay! I did it." A few seconds later Yoongi comes over to the nurse and Tae, "So how does it look?" Yoongi asks as he buttons his shirt up, "Hey!" Tae yells as he lifts Yoongi's shirt up again. "Daddy your bruises are getting better." Yoongi smiles and pulls his shirt down, "Baby not around other people." Yoongi smirks and makes Tae blush.

"Uhhhh..." the nurse looks at the X-ray, "Well what I'm seeing here is that.... Your ribs have healed!!" Yoongi gets excited and hugs Tae right, "Baby!!" Yoongi smiles, "Daddy's better?" Tae asked hugging Yoongi, "Yes baby Daddy's all better!!" The nurse smiles, "Well almost, we still have your arm. The cast is going to have to stay on for a little." Yoongi nods, "Yes ma'am." Yoongi bows, "you can go get your stuff and I'll meet you in the lobby to check you out." The nurse smiles and exits the room.

Yoongi and Tae head back to room 203 and get all their stuff, "Tae make sure to grab all your stuffed animals Jin brought for you." Yoongi says packing up Taes toys and pacifiers, "1...2...3 yes daddy...4...5...6." Tae counted his toys. Tae picks up all his stuffed animals and follows Yoongi to the lobby, "Daddy I want a kiss!" Tae whines as Yoongi talks to the nurse, "Daddyyyyy!!!" Tae keeps whining and Yoongi ignores him.

Tae keeps whining and Yoongi gets annoyed, "Tae, daddy's talking to someone right now you need to wait!" Tae gets more whiny, Yoongi grabs Tae and bows to the lady, "Thank you, bye!!" Yoongi leaves and Tae smiles, "Daddy, I want a kiss." Tae smiles, "No, you sever very bad at the hospital, when we get home you are getting a time out." Tae start crying, "But daddy!" Yoongi gets to the car and puts all the stuff in the back, Tae buckles in his stuffed animals, "Daddy I'm sorry." Tae cries a little.

"Thank you baby, but you're still getting a time out." Yoongi says kissing Tae finally, Tae smiles but still didn't want a time out, "But daddy..." Tae shuffles in his seat. "What?" Yoongi looks at Tae, but Tae just fidgets with his hands, they get home and Yoongi grabs the stuff in the back and Tae grabs his stuffed animals, "C'mon, daddy's giving us a punishment since we were bad." Tae goes to his house and Yoongi follows him.

"Ah... it feels so good to be home." Yoongi says as he drops the stuff and picks Tae up, "c'mon baby we'll change you into a onesie then time out." Tae does puppy eyes on Yoongi but Yoongi doesn't fall for it, "Baby, you know the rules." Yoongi says as he changes Tae, Tae looks down, "I know." Tae kisses Yoongi then goes and sits on his bed, "I'll come and get you in 5 minutes." Tae nods and Yoongi closes the door, he sits on the couch and grabs his phone, he calls Jin and Namjoon.

"Hello?" Jin answers, "Hey Jin hyung, I'm out of the hospital." Yoongi smiles, "Oh that's good!! How's Tae? Did you find out what was wrong?" Jin asks, "Yeah..." Yoongi pauses and Jin gets worried, "What happened." Yoongi sighs, "Um, well.... Sungi molested Tae..." Jin gasps, "Oh my! Is he okay?!?" Jin asks worried, "He hasn't said anything else." Yoongi looks down, "I'm happy she's arrested." Jin looks at Namjoon.

"Yeah me too, just I'm scared about my dad." Yoongi tears up, "Yeah, it's hard." Jin agrees, "How's Jimin? Is he okay? Did she touch him too?" Yoongi asked and went to go get Tae who runs and jumps on Yoongi. "Yes, she grabbed him by the neck. Jimin hasn't said anything else though."

*Knock Knock* Yoongi looks at the door, "Ah I'm sorry that happened, but someone's here I'll call you when they leave." Yoongi hangs up a few seconds later and goes to the door holding Tae, Tae was just sucking on his pacifier in his onesie. Yoongi opens the doors

"Kookie and hobi hyung!!!" Tae gets out of Yoongi's arms and goes and hugs Jungkook, Yoongi gets a little jealous but shakes it off, "Hey hobi, Kookie." Yoongi smiles, "Hi!!" Hobi smiles, "What's up?" Yoongi asks taking Tae back and holding him, "That's jungkook and hobi." Tae points out and hobi smiles, "Were here to take Tae."

A/N: I told you jungkook and hobi are going to show up, don't worry I got you guys!! Hope you enjoyed 💜💜

Word count: 1166

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