You Get Back Together:

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3 years. It had been three years since you had last seen Egon. Daniel and Gabrielle are now 5 years old, it was their birthday on the 23rd of January.

You had just said goodbye to the twins after taking them to school, after that you decided to have a walk around New York.

After a few hours you went to your's and Egon's favourite coffee shop, just for a quick coffee and sit down. Not expecting it, you bump into someone as walking in.

Looking up you sighed a little, "Hey Egon.."


After you said hi, you pushed passed him walking to the cashier, ordering your usual.

He followed after you, grabbing your wrist. After ordering and receiving your drink, you sat down in a booth, Egon sitting opposite you.

"Look y/n, I'm sorry about what I did, its just- I needed to finish the jobs to keep you and the twins safe, I never wanted you to get hurt, yeah I get that was 3 years ago, but I miss you, so much that it physically hurts me. Please forgive me and come back to me and Peter, Ray and Winston, we can keep you safe y/n." He had tears forming in the corner of his eyes as he spoke, his hand in yours, his thumb rubbing over your hand.

"Egon you don't understand, I wanted to help, I wanted to help keep the twins safe. So what if I died, at least you and the twins would be safe and that would be due to me. Look I will forgive you and I miss you so much as well. I'm coming back, I loved you Egon, I still do." Smiling, softly, you finished what you said, a tear rolling down your cheek.

Time skip

You and Egon were out together for the full day, treating each other after getting back together.

"You coming with me to pick up the twins or what?"

With an ecstatic nod from Egon, you set off towards the school, once you were there your son and daughter ran out, a look of shock on their face as they spotted Egon.

"Daddy?" Gabrielle asked, running towards Egon, Daniel following after. As Egon embraced them both in a group hug, he pulled away.

"Daddy's back for good now."

Setting off towards the firehouse, you were glad you bumped into Egon in public. Seeing him happy made you happy, the twins having a great time now that their dad was back.

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