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Today had been a special day for you and Egon. He had been surprising you with things and taking you places all day, the sun was currently setting and here you two were: Sat on top of a hill, kid free. It was a peaceful day between the two of you and you knew Egon had it all planned out beforehand.

So as the sun was nearer to setting he pulled you up, "I have something to say," He tells you, as you stood there a confused look on your face. Egon pulled a small box from his pocket, getting down onto one knee as he spoke:

"Y/N L/N, you make me the happiest man alive and I couldn't ask for anything more from anyone else. I've loved you my whole life and I have been meaning to ask you this for a while now: Y/N would you be willing to make me even happier and marry me?" Egon finished his small speech as he looked up towards you. Your face held a look of love and shock, a small tear ran down your face."Of course I will Egon!" You said, a happy smile on your face as he placed the ring on your finger.

Hugging you tightly, he lifted you up, your legs around his waist. Giggling, he spun you around before he places a sweet kiss on your lips. Nothing more could make the two of you happier. As you got home, the boys all congratulated the two of you as they helped Egon with this whole thing. The twins came running in, hugging the two of you, smiles on everyone's faces.

A/nI hope you liked this chapter! I thought I'd write a special one and surprise a few ppl and here it is! Be prepared for more on the future!!

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I hope you liked this chapter! I thought I'd write a special one and surprise a few ppl and here it is! Be prepared for more on the future!!

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