He Makes A Promise:

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It had been a few weeks since you and Egon got back together. It had been better then the past few years.

Daily, Egon checks up on you and only ever talks about work when you say to or make a suggestion for a new gadget.

It was late at night and you had just put the twins to sleep, crawling into bed with Egon.

"Hey baby?" you hum in response

"listen, I'm sorry about before, but I promise I'll look after you and the twins, until the day I die. I love you all so much, I'll look after you no matter the circumstance." He finishes

You smile, "I love You Egon" you mumble before drifting back to sleep.

"I love you too." The last words you hear before you fall into a deep sleep.

Well this was long overdue, but I did it. Quite cute, short and sweet

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