Doggy Lick

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Eversince Julie was a little girl, when she got scared she would put her hand under her bed and her dog would lick her hand to comfort her.

Well now Julie was 14 and her parents were going out and were going to be out until late at night. Julie didn't want to stay home alone but her parents told her she was old enough to stay home alone and she would be fine.

Well Julie's parents left at 8:00pm, after an hour and a half of watching t.v., Julie went to bed. She was kinda scared, sleeping with no one home, when she heard a whimpering sound, almost like a puppy whining. She put her hand under her bed and her hand got licked. So she tried to fall asleep again. Then she heard it again, the whimpering sound, so she put her hand under her bed and her hand got licked. She finally fell asleep and was woken up in the morning to the sound of her dog barking in the backyard. He had been outside ALL NIGHT LONG!

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