Chapter 1 - A freshman's fresh start.

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**Beeeep! Beeeep!

June 13, 2011

I woke up to the irritating sound of my digital clock. Can't a girl get some decent sleep here? I looked over to my bedside table and checked the time: 4:45am. Really? I've only been sleeping for 3 and a half hours?! Well, that's because my older bro, Terrence Adam and I had a marathon of Phineas and Ferb from 7 last night to 1 in the morning. (Childish show? Well forgive me for being just 16) I'm still really sleepy. Gotta get more sleep.

But as I was about to close my eyes again, I smelled something strong, something really good. Smelled like bacon and maple syrup. Out of curiosity, I went to my bathroom sink and washed away the sand in my eyes, snatched my favorite pink hoodie off the edge of my bed and lazily went downstairs and saw my mom preparing pancakes, bacon and eggs at the kitchen counter. I checked the time on the wall clock, 4:49am. What's going on this early in the morning ?

"Oh you're awake. G'morning sweetie." she said as she placed a kiss on my forehead.

"What's up mom? What's with all the food? It's barely 5am." I chirped with my morning voice.

"Well, in case you haven't noticed, I cooked breakfast for you so you wouldn't have to leave hungry." she said while preparing a plate with pancakes on it.

"Leave hungry? Where am I going?" I guess my mom saw how confused I was so she added,

"Well young lady, for your information, today's already Monday. Your brother just left 15 minutes ago so he could catch his bus back to his uni. But if you missy would rather sleep all day than to get out of this house and actually LEARN in your new school, that's totally fine with me. Go on, waste the tuition your dad and I saved up for!" she said, while wiping away her crocodile tears.

Moms, sheesh. overly-dramatic sometimes -- wait, did she say NEW SCHOOL?

"New school? What the hell. Today's my first day in college?! How can I forget? Gotta go mom, gotta go shower first. Be back in a jiff." I yelled as I ran back up the stairs.

In case you're wondering why school came like a big surprise to me is because I really didn't expect that it was gonna start today. I never took the time to check the date during my whole summer vacation. I didn't wanna go to school yet, I wanted summer to last all year long. (Wow, I sound like a character from Phineas and Ferb). I took a long hot shower and took out my perfectly chosen wardrobe for the day (which is composed of faded denim jeans and my favorite black Paramore t-shirt that matched my new black low cut Chucks). Even if I hated the idea of getting up early today to go to school, I didn't want to be late for it either. I checked my phone again, 5:25 am. Damn I was fast.

I was almost done brushing  my long chocolate brown hair when my phone beeped. It was my boyfriend, Jaime Matthews who sent me a text (Wishing me good luck on my first day of school, oh so there's someone else besides my mom who remembered this day). He's also a freshman like me, but he's studying in L.A. while I’m stuck here in Long Beach . I guess you can say we're in a long distance relationship.

Jaime and I were in our senior year of high school when we met through a common friend, Lorraine. We're turning 9 months this coming June 21 and so far, we've only had a few arguments, which is good. But enough of that for now, let's go back to me.

5:49 am. I ate, was dressed and ready to go. I realized it was still so early for me to leave so my mom and I sat on the couch to watch T.V.. It was 6:25 when my mom decided to shove me out the door. My new school is a 30-minute drive away where I live. I have to ride the bus everyday just to get there since I don't have a car (boo) . And that's what I did. I walked outside our house and across our front lawn just to get to the street where I had to wait for the bus.

After what felt like hours, I finally arrived at my new school. I looked up at the tall posts that held the school's banner saying WELCOME HOME 49ers AND WELCOME FRESHMEN! 49ers, I guess that’s what the students here are called. I took my I.D. out of my bag and wore it around my neck like all the other students did then I walked along a covered pathway.

I checked my watch for the time and guess what ? I still had 20 minutes to spare before my 7:30 am class. I pushed through the crowded covered walk and took a good look at the nature surrounding the school.

I found my department after a few good minutes of walking. I was all excited to run up the stairs when—

BLAG ! *phone, bag and notebook drop

"Hey watch where you're going!" I hissed while propping myself on the floor to pick up my fallen things.

"Oh sorry miss, didn't see you there" ---

"Well that's because you weren't looking (dumby)." I thought to myself.

"Here, let me help you with your stuff," ---

Within a second, I managed to snatch all my stuff from him, "Thanks, but no thanks. Hmp!" I trudged off. I didn't even care to look at the dude's face but if I did, I might've punched his face. (kidding)

After that incident, I immediately ran up the stairs up to the 3rd floor then went straight to room BA309. Upon entering the room, I recognized some familiar faces like my former schoolmates in high school. I saw Abigail Morris and Alexandra Ward. I went up to them and said hi, I noticed that they were with a girl I've never seen before.

"Hey Olivia! That's odd, you're not late today unlike when we were in high school. Haha!", said Alex in her sarcastic tone.

"Ha-Ha, very funny Alex!" I said with a smirk.

I’ve known Alex since our sophomore year in high school when she was put in my class, though we weren’t very close back then, I’m hoping things would be different this year.

"Hey, you're Olivia Bennett, right? Jaime’s girlfriend? I'm Abby, we were schoolmates before." she put out her hand for me to shake, and we did in a rather business-like manner.

"Hi, Abby. Actually I know you, you're neighbours with Jaime right?" I responded.

"Yeah! Oh, by the way, this is Patricia Ann Hayes, our new classmate from Irvine.", Sammy informed me, gesturing to the brunette beside her.

"Hi!" Pat greeted me with her high and too cheerful voice.

I smiled back at her and took the time to examine her. She was so skinny! With her squinty brown eyes and fair complexion, she could totally pass as a foreign exchange student.

Our first period professor came in the room startling us all with her loud clicking heels.

"Class," she said in her sweet and calm voice. I'm gonna like her, I thought to myself.

"Welcome to Algebra." she announced with her now scary voice.

And the whole class let out loud groans. Math? Really? This early in the morning? Ugh! This is going to be one hell of a morning.

x x x x x


Well of course intro's are supposed to be brief! You can't give away the whole story just yet y'know! haha. Anyways, I hope you guys give it a chance. I swear the story will get better and better! I'd appreciate the comments. Thanks!

Much love,

ninapilina ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2013 ⏰

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