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Namjoon POV

I was sitting in my seat front row of the class listening to my professors lecture when my phone vibrated. I carefully took out my phone to see J-Hope texted in our group chat.

"Oh my gosh the new guy is amazing!!!" J-Hope

"Is he nice?" Jin

"No" Taehyung

"Oh shut it he just stuck up for himself and said something to your face instead of behind your back."Jimin

"Guys I'm in class get to the point!" Namjoon

"Well we were in the locker room and we heard him singing!" Jimin

"He sounded like an angel!" J-Hope

"Oh and he can dance like a Cuban God!!"Jimin

"How do you know he was dancing to Cuban music?"Taehyung

"I over heard the instructor ask him." Jimin

"This couldn't have waited till lunch?" Namjoon

"Sorry....we were just to excited!!" Jimin

"Seriously guys stop blowing up my phone I already have a headache from last night." Yoongi

"Sorry Hyung!" Jimin

"Mr.Kim! Is my class boring you?" My professor asked annoyed.

"N-no Sir I apologize." I said quickly standing up and bowing.

"You are dismissed from my class today. Gather your things."

"But but sir."

"No buts you are disrupting my class. Mr.Kim you are top of the class it's not like you'll fail but you broke my rule no phones during my lectures." The professor stood aside so I could walk out. It's true I won't fail but it's still embarrassing to get kicked out of class. Those idiots are going to get it when I see them. What's worse is I can still feel my pocket vibrating like crazy.

I still had 40 minutes until my next class so I decided to go to the library and be productive. J-Hope had Business, Jimin had English, and Taehyung had Anatomy; but luckily after this we all have lunch break together.

I entered the library and saw a couple students studying here, and some just reading enjoying the quiet. Other people typing away on their laptops most likely writing some essays. I made my way up to the second floor not a lot of people go up there so it's a lot easier to study.

I took my final steps up the stairs to see the new boy reading a book. His eyes scanned every word on the page.

The younger only stopped when he felt my eyes on him

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The younger only stopped when he felt my eyes on him. He looked up and lightly smiled when he saw me. "Hi" he mouthed to me. I waved back and giving him my dimple smile.

 I waved back and giving him my dimple smile

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New Boy with Secrets//Namkook/YoonkookWhere stories live. Discover now