Chapter 3: Gossip is for Heartbreak

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Ambriah Azure Dimerian

Sector SE, 12th Lane, Irian City: Dimerian Estate

AoO: 174-12-12


Alex practically drags me upstairs into my bedroom and clicks on my H.V to the reality channel. She sits cross-legged on my futon excited as the Twentieth season of Royal Reality Episode one starts. As we get settled, which is basically me in pajamas cocooned in a fuzzy blanket on the opposite side of the futon and Alex with a blanket, her note taking supplies and a hair tie pulling up her hair, Karen our housemaid knocks softly then pokes her head into my room. She must have heard our thundering footsteps and laughing.

"Would you girls like some water or cookies?"

I shake my head no with a small smile.

"Mom would murder me if I snacked too hard before dinner. Did she force you out of the kitchen for a break?"

"She did." Karen chuckles. "There is supposed to be a big announcement from the Royalty tonight, so she wanted me to get home soon."

"If I don't see you before you leave, drive safe."

"I will, thank you miss." She closes the door softly and I turn my eyes back to the T.V as Alex is bouncing excitedly.

"Our BIGGEST hot take of the week is that all the young royals from all ten countries are of age to participate competitively in the Jinx Olympics this year and they're supposed to be doing exclusive interviews for this seasons later episodes! For early this season however we have so much drama, Romance, and exclusive content so fresh from the source you'll be on the edge of your seat every step of the way!" The Hostess says excitedly

"Oh god." I moan.

"We have at least three hours until the broadcast is ready and then two hours until dinner... so we're binge watching all twelve released episodes tonight!" Alex exclaims

"Your brain is going to rot from all of these reality shenanigans." I say laughing.

"I will die a happy woman." She says dreamily as the theme music plays, the beginning sponsorship slides finished.

"Welcome back to Royal Reality Loves. Last season we highlighted the compatibility of each royal with their signs and all the other signs, and we left off on the mysterious tip that there may be a royal courting! Speaking of which, this weeks lucky color is peach. A peach is a nectarine that is both juicy, and when ripe very soft and sweet. Adding this soft and sweet color to your look this week will definitely turn heads in your direction."

Alex whips out a notebook from her bag and a pen and begins taking notes. I laugh loudly and she bumps me with her elbow.


"-id before, it is tea time. Our sources tell us that there has been a royal courtship among our royals and with no one of lower social standings. The names we were given is Princess Lexie and either Princes Cameron, Jackson, or Max."

Alex gasps loudly and covers her mouth, a mix between shock and terror

"Reports of meetings between these four have increased substantially these past three months, and they have been political meetings concerning no mans land, and other cultural and political factors, but it has been leaked from an inside source that a marriage courtship was made at the third of these meetings, and the trips taken amongst these three Princes' to Sabia was not strictly for political business, but for competitive courtship for the Sabian Princess' hand in marriage. Here we have photos of Prince Cameron and Princess Lexie walking around a garden, then Prince Jackson with Lexie eating dinner together, and Prince Max with Princess Lexie dancing together at last months Bushian Belle Ball!"

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