Chapter 12: Finally, We Meet

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Jaren Ian Loron

1923 South Mainstreet, Irian City: Dimerian Esculent

AoO: 175-08-02


The drive to the restaurant is filled with me talking my self up to go through with this, and also telling myself not to go through with it. This is extremely creepy Jaren. You've researched a girl out of a thousand other women, then you've researched everything she has done from birth until now, and you stare at her picture hours on end, and there was that one time I actually jerked off to it.... okay it was three... eight times but the technical stuff doesn't matter!

I put my head in my hands between my knees and release a heavy sigh.

"You might want to put these on." I look up at the blond wig and glasses Ron is handing me and begin laughing.

"This is getting serious."

"You want to go undercover so you are going undercover." He helps me put on the wig correctly, brushing the bangs to the right instead of the left like I'm used to and the jinx resistant sunglasses, and... I feel absolutely ridiculous, but I thank him in my head when we step out of the car and all the nosey people who see royal guards don't know I'm one of them.

I'd been so clouded with thoughts of Ambriah I had forgot I'm recognizable in public.

When we step through the doors I'm instantly blown away by the grandeur yet simplicity of the designs. The color scheme is a deep royal purple with golden accents and it makes you feel welcome when you walk in. The line of guests to get into this floors restaurant is extensive by itself.

We are led to an elevator that takes us to the private rooms on the fourth floor with a gorgeous view of the ocean and the international ports bustling lively. The color scheme on this floor matching that of the lobby with its golden and white tile floors with deep purple walls that make a beautiful sight against that of the evening sun shining through the windows.

In the distance the sound of smooth jazz is heard from the main room and I tilt my head to the side enjoying the sound while we wait for the food to be brought up.

"So, Prince Jaren. How is this working?"

I lift my head from my listening to look at him turned in his chair to face me.

"Okay so, there are four levels worth of samples coming up from the entire restaurant which is a lot of food. I'm going to help you eat it obviously, but we will need a ranking system of what is fantastic and what is not. If there is an abundance of bad over good we'll call it a bust, but if there is a lot of good over bad, we can move to phase two."

"Mmm, for some reason even if this goes the first way we'll move on to phase two won't we?"

I don't even need to think that question over. I shrug with a smirk and he releases a sigh.

"Are you for certain this is the place?"


"Are you for certain She works here?"


"Are you for certain She is here right now?"

"..... we'll find out." I say with a nervous shudder.

Ron sighs and drink the water that was given to him.

"I've noticed something, Prince Jaren."


"For the past maybe hour and a half you've been highly expressive.  Your normally guarded expressions have waned. Are you perchance feeling the effects from the alcohol tasting?"

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