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Name: Usagi Hanabatake

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Name: Usagi Hanabatake

Age: 19

Hair color: white

Eye color: violet

Likes/loves: winter, Autumn, ice, snow, rain, bunnies, her siblings, Loki(eventually),bitter things, ballet, writing, calm/peaceful places, Hikari(eventually), Kurotora, Hoshinobara, Himeyume, Harunakaze, Shizukauta, Tsubasatori, ice cream, pumpkins, Christmas.

Dislikes/hates: summer, spring, fire, wolves, flirts, Loki (in the beginning), death/murder/war, noise/noisy people, loud sounds, nosey people who ask too many questions, Hikari(in the beginning).

Fears: wolves, bullies, small spaces, blood, sharp objects

Personality traits: cold, blunt, untrusting, moody, quiet, shy, very loyal and loving towards the people she does trust, introvert, indifferent, a very closed off person.

Family Relations: Umi Hanabatake- younger sister, Shiro Hanabatake- younger sister, Ame Hanabatake- younger sister, Ushio Hanabatake- younger sister, Yune Hanabatake- younger sister, Hime Hanabatake- younger sister

Backstory: when Usagi was a young child she a bright, happy, cheerful, energetic, sunny girl. But one day when she was is in middle school her parents were murdered by someone. They never found out who the killer was and they were never arrested but from that moment on the light in Usagi's heart dimmed drastically. Then suddenly people at school, classmates were bullying her, blaming her, saying that she was the one who killed them. They started up rumors and then eventually even her own friends turned against her and bullied her too. From then on she never trusted anyone aside from her family because they were the only ones who didn't accuse her murder, they were the only ones who truly saw her for who she is.

Power: ice

Hidden Ability/Special Ability: protective shield/barrier

Nicknames: Usa ( Hikari, Apollon, her sisters)

Ice princess( Takeru, Loki)

snowflake ( balder)

little rabbit(Dionysus)

Usagi Hanabata ( Tsukito)


. Gets along well with her sisters

. She has tough/cold outer persona but once you break through her ice her sweet side comes out

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