The flames of new beginnings

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Today had started out just like any other normal day for Usagi, save for the fact that the sky had been abnormally stormy today with thunder rumbling constantly and the occasional flashing of lightning every now and again. Usagi however, had more important things to care about at the current moment, like taking care of her siblings for one.

"Umi, Shiro, Ame, Ushio, Yune, Hime, it's time to eat." Usagi, called out to her sisters.

"We'll be down soon." They shouted back in unison.

"Well, don't take too long or the food will get cold." She told them sweetly.

"We're all done" They answered back carefully, making their way down the staircase and into the dining room.

They made their way to the table and sat down in their seats as Usagi put their food on the table.

"Oh, I just need to go grab the utensils and we'll be all set, I'll be right back." Usagi said as she ran right back into the kitchen to fetch the silverware.

As she was picking out the forks, knives and spoons she heard the sound of a voice echoing throughout the interior of the room. For some reason though, her sisters who were only a few rooms across from her heard not a single sound of it at all. Usagi, suspicious of the voice gave an icy, cold, glare and tensed every single muscle in her body in preparation of anything that might happen any moment next. She tried to calm her breathing as she heard her heartbeat pound wildly in her ears. She felt her eyes start to Water slightly as her palms got all clammy. She inhaled a sharply through her nose, her thoughts in a jumble and racing throughout her head at a million miles per second.

Then, she heard it again, louder this time. There was no one anywhere in the room so where was it coming from? She pondered to herself. Slowly and cautiously she turned her head and scanned nook and cranny of the room, she still couldn't anyone in the room here with her. Then, she heard for a third time, she started trembling with the feeling of a slight pinch of fear starting  to spread throughout her body like poison, slowly seeping through her veins and into her heart. Suddenly her vision slowly started to get fuzzy, alarming her some. The fuzziness in her vision just kept on getting worse and she also began to feel sleepy. Sleepier and sleepier, until she could no longer keep her eyes from closing any longer and shut them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2020 ⏰

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