Chapter Thirteen

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There is no greater sorrow,

than to recall in misery,

the time when we were happy

.-: :-  -: ✧ :-゜・.


A rough hand grabbed the back of my hood, bunching it tightly in their hold while they dragged me back. My heart rate shot up, and I struggled in their grip, my screams and pleads being muffled by their hand. With wide eyes, I tried to twist my body around to see their face, but with a violent shove, I stumbled inside an empty classroom, staggering to my knees. The loud slam of the door was heard behind me; darkness being the only thing that filled the room with the exception of a small stream of light flooding in through the crack in the window.

Building inside of me like an avalanche, the panic surged through my body at impossible speeds, electrifying and making every strand of hair stand up straight. My mind had grown fuzzy, seemingly unable to concentrate on anything while I scrambled back on my knees, squinting at the dark figure. This was all accompanied by the intense hammering of my heart as droplets of sweat began to drip and slide their way down my forehead.

However, as soon as the large, built figure took a step forward, I knew who it was. His face was illuminated in the dark by the small stream of light, an eerie smirk on his red lips. I staggered to my feet with trembling hands, and while my mind was screaming at me to run, my body betrayed me.

"Tyler," my voice came out in a breathy whisper, showcasing my terror, much to his delight, "What. . . What are you doing?"

A deep rumbled sounded from his chest. His head tilted to the side, his snake-like eyes narrowing on me, simultaneously trailing over me. However, unlike before where I would have swooned at the fact that he was even giving me a second of his attention, this only caused a violent tremor to rip through me.

"Naomi," he finally spoke; grinning.

The eerie silence of the room only added to the tension. With heavy boots, he took a few more steps forward until he was right in front of me. I held my breath; baited; as he opened his mouth to continue.

"I heard you had a conversation with my mom," he drawled out in a soft voice. For some reason, he sounded very calm, but this only worried me even more. My eyes slammed shut when he leaned even closer, the tip of his cold nose pressing against the skin of my neck. A quiet whimper left my lips at the familiar trailing of his lips against my sensitive skin. My hands curled up into small fists, digging my nails into my palm. His soft breath panned over me, and I angled my head as far away as I could from him.

Snorting a breathless laugh, he continued, "I hope you know what will happen if you open you're mouth to anyone."

At his words, a familiar anger fueled inside of me, and in what I knew would be a futile attempt, I placed my hands on his chest to push him away, but with a swift move, he grasped my wrists in a tight hold.

"Don't touch me," I bit with a vicious snarl, "I swear to God Tyler if you don't get your hands off of me -"

"You'll what?" he blinked, gleam shining in his eyes at my frustration, "Go on, Naomi. What are you going to do? Run crying to mommy and daddy? Or Toby?"

Sweat was drenching my skin, even as far as dripping onto my chest. I felt like I was locked in a cupboard, with no air to breathe in. How had I ended up here again? How could I let myself end up in a situation like this again? How pathetic of a person did I have to be?

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