Think About It

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Nick: *crosses his arms and looks at excited Kenny* You did not kiss her shut up *rolls his eyes and laughs*

Kenny: I-I SWEAR to god I did!! *breathes heavily* Fuck Cody! Why did u make the stairs so long! *breathes heavily* b-but I swear on my life I did! Even ask MJF or SCU or anybody down there!!

Nick gets quiet and looks down at his phone acting like it doesn't bother him.

Matt: *highfives kenny* well that's great bud!

Cody: it's gonna garner looooots of media if it gets posted online!

Nick: it's getting late guys! It's 1:30am! I'm getting sleeepy let's head home guys! *yawns as hell grabs his wallet from Cody's desk and puts it in his pocket*

Kenny squints at nick in suspicion.

Cody: um? Why so early? U don't normally stay out for this small amount of time? U normally stay way longer *crosses his arms*

Matt squints at nick in confusion.

Nick: yeah but I'm pretty tired today idk why let's go Matt *puts his head down and walks out of Cody's office*

Matt: *looks at both Kenny and cody* I-I'll see what's up with him when we get to our hotel room.. see ya guys.. *walks out*

Matt catches up to nick downstairs trying to get through the crowd of ppl.

Nick looks down and try's to approach the door.

Sammy Guevara: *vlogging with his phone up in nicks way* heyyyyy the young bucks ! *sips his wine* did y'all see Kenny and Violet kiss?! *records himself and positions it upwards to get nick and Matt in the background* tell Kenny imma fight him!!!

Nick looks at Matt.

Nick: so it was true? They really kissed? *looks at Sammy*

Sammy: *vlogs and plays with his hair in the camera* uhh yeah everyone took videos of it and pics

Nick: *grabs sammys phone and tosses it on the ground as he grabs sammys collar shirt* Show me the video!!!

Matt: woah woah Woahh!! Relax nick what's gotten into you?!!!!!! *pushes nick off*

Sammy was quick to pick his phone up and show nick.

Nick watches the whole vid and so does Matt.

Nick looks down and walks out the door.

Matt follows in confusion.

Nick enters the uber car and sits quietly looking out the window.

Matt watches nick  and then looks back down at his phone.

Matt: *puts his phone down and looks at nick who was looking out the window* u know.. ur a married man right? With kids ..soo Idk why ur all upset

Nick: *looks at matt* I'm not upset dude... *shakes his head*

Matt: then why are u so down??

Nick: because... *shakes his head and looks out the window* I really don't know *looks down* She's always been my... childhood crush back when she used to manage Eddie... so yeah.. *looks out the window* it's whatever so .. *shrugs*

Matt: I feel that *nods* I.. feel that *looks out the window*

~~Fast Forward to A week after When Hangman and Kenny won the Tag titles on the Jericho cruise against SCU~~

Hangman felt as if throughout the whole time he did most of the work because Kenny kept watching Violet or gets distracted by violet who's simply not doing it on purpose she's just yelling at Kenny or hangman to attack their opponents.

Hangman blames Kenny and young bucks for all his hard work on even getting those tag titles by himself while Kenny's distracted by violet who doesn't even seem to notice. While young bucks doesn't even acknowledge the fact hangman worked hard.

Hangman and Kenny Team up with The young bucks vs. Lucha bro's and Butcher and the blade!

-Fast forward half way to the match-

Throughout the whole time Hangman didn't even wanna help Kenny n the young bucks.

He felt so hopeless .

He watches Violet crossing her arms yelling at hangman to get back in the ring.

Violet: *wearing a black T-shirt with black leggings looking up at hangman at the ropes as she's by ringside* go HELP THEM!!! DONT JUST STAND THERE!!

Hangman looks at Violet getting pissed and gets in the ring.

He attacks his opponents and turns to see the young bucks leaning from the ropes and telling him to tag them.

Hangman refused and turns to get hit by pentagon and hangman gets pinned.

Everyone gets pissed at hangman as their opponents leave.

Violet enters the ring pissed off shaking her head.

Kenny and the bucks follow her.

Kenny lays on the ground as he lays his back against the bottom turnbuckle.

Bucks are pacing around the ring pissed.

Violet: *leans down to adam* why didn't u tag them?!!

Adam: *gets up on his feet and looks down at Violet* it's not always about the BUCKS! *looks down at Violet pissed as he marches away off the ring*

Violet: I never SAID IT WAS ! Stop BEING INSECURE! *watches Adam walk away*

Violet crosses her arms and turns to the bucks who seem to be annoyed by Adam.

Adam grabs his beer and sips his way up the stairs.

Violet goes below the bottom rope and hops outta the ring looking down feeling upset.

Kenny follows violet as the crowd goes wild for the 2 of them.

Kenny: *whispers* don't let that guy get to u we don't know what's going on with him!

Bucks hop outta the ring as they follow violet and Kenny.

They all make it backstage.

Tony: great job guys! *highfives everyone*

Everyone heads backstage to pack their bags to head to the next city.

Violet quickly heads to the women's lockers and puts her backpack on.

Britt Baker: *looks at Violet as Britt begins to approach her* hey violet? *sits on a chair looking up at Violet who zipped up her backpack* u been talking to Kenny?

Violet: *gets confused as she fixes her hair* ummm no? We're just friends Britt !

Britt: um I've see that New Years kiss he gave u! It's literally everywhere!

Violet: we were just in the moment it was just a simple kiss I mean it'd be kinda weird if we didn't kiss at al-

Britt: VIOLET! Just date the dude! Poor guy has been locking his eyes on u whenever u walk in the room or u walk past by and even in the ring! And u FAIL to notice it *gets up* I want u to think about it Violet... seriously! And if u don't want anything serious then fine but everyone ships the 2 of u! *looks at her phone* I gotta go Adams calling me *leaves*

Violet puts on her backpack and walks out the door thinking of what Britt said.

Does Kenny really lock his eyes on me? *she thinks* how come I didn't notice?! Am I seriously that blind and clueless?!

She raises her hand to Call for a taxi who has stopped infront of her.

She gets in and continues her day dreaming.

I think I just have to keep an eye on Kenny Incase he does it again.. and If he does... *looks out the window* I'll have to talk to him ...

To be continued.....

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