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MJF opens up his mini bag , what looked like a powdery substance, and pours it into her water bottle.

MJF opens up his mini bag , what looked like a powdery substance, and pours it into her water bottle

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Colt: wait what the fuck is he doing?..

He quickly cleans up the rest of the evidence of the powder spilt on the table and wipes the tip of the water bottle where the powder was. He caps the water bottle, quickly looks at the door making sure she doesn't come back, and shakes the water bottle until it fully dissolves and looks like normal water.

MJF tosses the empty back in the trash and quickly sits back in his seat and sits on his phone.

MJF tosses the empty back in the trash and quickly sits back in his seat and sits on his phone

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Colt speechless and lost for words.

Kenny: ....ur fucking me... *covers his face*

MJF casually sits back down and kept looking at the water bottle and the table, making sure there was no evidence of anything.

Colt: I'm gonna kill him... *clenches his fists*

MJF kept looking back waiting til she comes back as he starts to dust off some evidence off the table.

Violet enters, MJF turns and smiles at Violet, she fakely smiles back.

She sits back at her chair and opens her water bottle right infront of MJF and sips it.

Violet: *makes a face* ew these vending machine water bottles taste hella dusty *caps her water bottle and wipes her lips*

MJF: *nervously laughs* oh yeah ahhahaha that's why I buy real water! *shrugs*

Violet: *squints at MJF* um.. Isnt all water real water?

MJF: well they are but not 100% have u ever had Dasani? They actually put toxic chemicals in it which can kill u *shrugs*


Violet: ...huh interesting *squints*

MJF: yupp *goes on his phone*

Violet starts drinking some more of her water except with bigger gulps.

MJF: *acts like he confused* oh wow ur very thirsty huh? *looks at Violet in shock as if he didn't do anything*

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