Chapter Two

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I barely made it to my flight after being at the office all day interviewing. It was a great time, but absolutely exhausting. Who knew that interviewing for a job could have similarities to the Hunger Games? I mean, I had to run from one end of this damn airport to the other, and by the time I got there they were calling my name on the intercom. 

Just embarrassing

I finally make it to my seat and proceed to hit my head as I crawl over the guy, who refused to get up, to sit down. I'm over today. It was long, tiring and completely overwhelming. If I get this job, it'll be an absolute miracle. 

But I can't stop thinking about him...

His deep, ocean eyes. How he looked in his three-piece suite. His smile. Maybe I'm losing my mind? I don't even know this guy. I also don't even know if I'm going to get this job, so I really shouldn't be thinking about him. 

I try to turn my mind off by putting in my headphones and blasting my music. I can't really sleep or get comfortable on planes, so I just stare out the window in a daze. I really can't stop thinking about him...

"Ladies and Gentleman, we're approaching Louisville Airport. Please ensure that your personal items have been stowed away, your seat is in the upright position and your tray is back in its place. We will be landing in roughly 20 minutes. Welcome to Kentucky," the flight attendant basically screams through this tiny jet plane. I just roll my eyes and prep for going back to my reality. 

The reality of living at home with my parents after being gone for years, not really having any job prospects, slowly running out of funds, and being in the same city as my ex of 10 years. 

Yeah. 10. Years. It's insane, I know. 

I just need to get out again. I need a change of pace, a new adventure and a different challenge. I thrive off of solving problems or learning something entirely new. It's probably why I was always on such a high in Europe. It's constant problem solving and endless challenges. 

I digress. I do treasure this time that I'm at home. I love seeing my brother and sister more frequently and it's always nice living rent free. I have just always craved the independence, so I'm hoping that this job works out. 

After I pick my bag up, I head towards the arrivals area. My mom pulls up curbside and I hop in, knowing exactly what she's going to say, "how did it go?" 

"It'll be a miracle if I get that job." 

"What, why do you say that?" 

"Because, they're looking for someone with so much more experience than me. They started talking about things I've never even heard of before." 

"Well passion always trumps that kind of stuff. You love that company and I'm sure they saw that."

"Yeah, well we will see. Who knows." 

We drive in silence the rest of the way and my mind begins to wander to him...what he's doing right now. Will I ever see him again? I know, it's ridiculous. I don't even know this guy, but I can't help but feel like he stared straight into my soul when he saw me. I've never had butterflies like that. It felt like we knew each other in another life, as bizarre as that sounds. 

Whatever, I can't think too long about it because then it reminds me of the interview and I messed that all up. I'll be lucky if I get a call from them. 

Two Weeks Later 

"Mom, I'm telling you, if they offer me this job I will move heaven and earth to be there." 

"I just can't believe you're considering moving that far away. We just got you back."

"I know, but you know how I am. I need to see the world and be independent. I love coming home, but only for short spurts at a time - like holidays," I wink. 

"Very funny. Well, I guess it does give us an excuse to come visit if you get it," she pauses as she's interrupted by the look on my face, "what is it?" 

"Oh my gosh, they're calling..."


I am fumbling the phone in my hands and can barely hit the green button because I'm so nervous. "Hello?" 

"Hi Kalee, this is Paul the talent coordinator with Skyscanner." 

"Hi Paul, how are you?" I ask, trying to remain extremely calm. 

"I'm doing well, thanks. I wanted to talk to you about your interview and how you think it went?"

Stunned by his question, I pause for a moment to gather my thoughts. 

"You still there?" he asks. 

"Yes, yes, sorry. I was just trying to think of the right way to put what I'm thinking," I spit out. 

"Oh no worries. Just say whatever comes to your mind!" 

"I think that I'm under-qualified, but that I'm extremely passionate about the company, so I would do whatever it takes to get to the level they expect," I say, honestly. 

"Thank you for being so honest. They feel the same way, in both regards. While there are a few things we probably need to get you ramped up on, they obviously saw your passion and excitement for the company. Sometimes, that trumps education or experience, and this is just the case for that. So, with that said, they'd like to offer you a contract position with the potential to go full-time. It's basically just to see if they can help get you to where you need to be and how quickly you can do that. I know it's not what you were expecting, but is that something you'd be interested in?" 

Oh. My. God. I'm shocked. I don't even know what to say. 

"Yes! Absolutely! That sounds fantastic," I nearly blurt out. I guess my heart and mind knew what to do before I did. 

"Fantastic. Well I'll send you over the details and you get back to me as soon as you can. We'd like to get you started at the first of April, does that timeline work for you?"

"Yes, that works perfectly." 

"Awesome. Well, Harlow we're really excited to bring you on board. I can't wait to see what you do here and I'll send you a follow-up here shortly, ok?"

"Yes, thank you Paul. This is fantastic. I'm excited."

"Us too. Thanks Harlow, have a good one!" 

"You too," I say, as I hang up and begin to cry. 

I look over at my mom, who's beaming, and say "I guess I'm moving to Seattle." 

My mind instantly goes to him...I get to see him again. 

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