Chapter One

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"Ladies and Gentlemen, we are approaching Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. Please ensure that your seat is in the upright position, your tray is up, and your belongings are safely stowed away. We will be landing in 20 minutes. Welcome to Seattle," says the overly happy flight attendant. 

I keep re-reading a text message that my Mom sent before I left: "Harlow, I'm so proud of you. I can't wait to hear all about your interview. Let me know when you land, love Mom." 

I'm so nervous, so maybe reading her text message calms me down a bit? Regardless, I'm flying to Seattle for a job interview and I have no idea what I'm getting myself into. Less than six months ago, I was living in Europe tracing around the Scottish Highlands. Now, I find myself potentially moving half-way across the US for a job. 

I shouldn't say "a job," I should say, "my dream job." I have been obsessed with Trans Atlantic ever since I moved to Europe. I would sometimes find flights to Italy for less than 20 quid from London. Oh, there I go again, speaking in British slang. I moved to London a year and a half ago to get my Master's and to travel; while I was there, I picked up some of their terminology. 

For example, when I don't want to do something, I'll say "I can't be bothered." It's something my friend Charlotte used to always say and it kind of stuck with me. Apologies if I end up saying things you don't understand, like quid; it's the wanna-be British person inside of me. 

So, here I am, about to land in Seattle and I'm just hoping I get this job. I've been at home for far too long and am starting to get cabin fever. I need to work and I need something to give me purpose again. I had a travel blog, but I let that die after I moved home. Now, I'm going into Marketing - which is what my degree is in. This is different though. It's a tech company, so I'm sure they have their own version of Marketing. Either way, I'm stoked. I just hope I don't screw it up too much. You'll find that I have a tendency to do that. 

Thank god, we've landed. As I make my way to the baggage claim, I can see the variety of people that come in and out of Seattle. Better yet, the people that are from here. It's a beautiful thing. I've always been a little bit weird or dressed a little differently than the other girls, so it's nice feeling like I might fit in for once.

The baggage claim ends up taking a solid hour and before I lose my patience anymore, I head straight for the train station. That's one thing I will love about living here - the public transport. It's so handy. Where I'm from, which is the middle of nowhere Kentucky, you have to drive everywhere. Taking the bus would be risking your life and you may, or may not, get to where you're supposed to be going. 

I feel like I'm in the zone as I walk from the baggage claim to the train. Most people I pass are wearing all black and instantly feel like one of them. So, tell me why I brought a hot pink sweater to wear to this interview? It's like, who are you trying to be Harlow? If I get this job, they will be shocked when I show up in all black. I don't know why I strayed from my normal color palette, but here we are and I'm trying to embrace it. 

I finally get to the hotel and I'm exhausted. I hate the time difference between the west and east coast. I don't know why it has to be so dramatic but I'm really struggling. As I get a coffee from the lobby, I head to my room so I can rehearse this presentation a million times. That's how I do things. I always over prepare and since I really want this job, I'll rehearse it about two million times so that I'm fully prepared. 

After I shower, lay my clothes out and run through the presentation one last time - I'm dead. I lay down, set my alarm and immediately fall asleep. 

The next day, I get to the office around 7:30, since my first interview starts at 8. 

I'm greeted by the office manager, Lucy, "Hi! Welcome to Seattle! We're so happy you were able to make it."

I immediately respond with similar enthusiasm, "Thank you! I'm so glad to be here." 

"Well, I'm going to have you sit here in the front area for just a bit. We have to get the room ready for you, it won't take but just a minute."

"Okay, great. Thanks."

"Do you need water or anything while you wait?"

"Oh no, I'm good. Thanks though."

She smiles and wanders off. If this is how they all are here, I want this job even more than I did an hour ago. 

As I sit there, fixing this horrendous dress I decided to wear with the hot pink sweater, I see someone walking towards the door. It's still kind of early, so I'm surprised anyone is coming in right now.

As I catch a glimpse of him, my face is probably saying everything I don't want it to, but I can't help it. He's so handsome. He's got on a three piece suite and these sparkling blue eyes and is probably 5'11, if I had to guess. He just looks so sharp. 

As he walks in, I feel like his eyes are staring straight into my soul, and I know from this point forward I'm in deep, deep trouble...

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