Chapter Three

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The next few weeks are a complete whirlwind. Not only am I freaking out about the fact that I'm moving halfway across the continental U.S., but I'm also freaking out about seeing him again. 

I know I don't even know him, but just remembering our brief encounter gives me butterflies. Who knows, he very well may have a girlfriend, but I refuse to think that way. 

I'm a bit lost in my daydream when I hear my mom yell from the living room, "Do you have everything you need?" 

As I begin to come back to reality, I look around at the three suitcases I'm taking with me to Seattle. I don't have much to my name since I just got back from Europe not too long ago, and while I was there I completely minimized my belongings. My goal is to be as minimal as possible. While I'm assessing the inventory of my life, I remember I haven't answered my mom's question, so I call out, "yes!"

I'm beginning to feel the nerves that I felt when I was getting on the plane to move to London. I had no idea what I was getting myself into then, and I sure don't know what I'm getting myself into now. All I know, is that it will be worth it. 

I had never been much of a risk taker until I moved to London, and I started to test the waters a bit more and release myself from all the fears that had been holding me back. It was exhilarating, and ever since then I promised myself I'd never let fear dictate my life.

So, am I terrified about this move to Seattle? Absolutely. But I'm still doing it. I want to know how this shakes out and if I'm being honest with myself, I want to see him again. It's crazy, I know, but I feel this weird connection to him that I really can't describe. I shouldn't focus too much on it though, "I don't even know him," I say to myself out loud. 

"You don't know who?" my mom asks, walking through the door of my room. 

Startled I say, "Oh, no one. It's nothing," as I zip up my last suitcase.

"You sure? Have you met someone?" 

"No, Mom, it's no one. Plus, where would I have met someone? I've been here every day." 

"I don't know, I'm just asking based off of what I heard you just say," she says as she puts her hands up like she's surrendering. 

"Well it's nothing." 

"Ok, ok. Touchy. You all packed and ready to go? Don't want to miss your flight."

"Yeah, I think I'm all set. If I'm forgetting anything, I'll just buy it when I get there." 

"Ok, sounds good. Let's load up your bags and get on our way, we might hit traffic so I don't want to risk it."

Ladies and gentlemen, my mom, the planner. I'm more of a fly by my seat kind of girl, but she is always so thought out and four steps ahead of everyone. It's one of the many things I love about her, and will miss. She's more like my best friend than a mom. I guess at my age, that's kind of what happens, but I don't care. I'll take it. She's the one I confide in and who gives me the most honest advice, so I always appreciate our long talks.

When I told her about Seattle, she was a little shocked but not as much as she was about London. Me moving to London shocked the whole family because I'd never done anything like that before. I was an Atlantic ocean apart from them and it was tough adjusting, but it made us all stronger because of it. Now, this move to Seattle is like a cake walk compared to that. I'm still in the U.S., so that makes her happy; and I'm a "short" plane ride away, we like to say. 

I'll miss her a lot though, and the rest of my family. We've always been super close, so me being away is always fun, and it makes our moments together that much more special.

I take a huge, deep breath and begin to wheel my suitcase out to the car. I've treasured this bit of time that I've had at home, but it's time for my next adventure. 

It's time I find my independence again. 

. . . 

I get to Seattle a few hours later, and to no surprise it's raining. I know it's a bit weird, but I've always been one who loves the rain. It's kind of calming and I feel most productive during cloudy or rainy days, so it's no surprise that I've ended up in Seattle where I feel like it rains 95% of the year. 

One thing you'll learn about me is that I'm really scrappy when it comes to housing and anything in life really. I figured out how to budget my way through the most expensive city in Europe, but also was able to see other countries in Europe. 

So when I first started looking at places in Seattle, and realized how expensive this city really is, I knew I had to figure something out. I was lucky in London because I was staying in the student residences. Here, I have to actually get a place to live, which is daunting on its own without the price aspect. I ended up finding an AirBnB that does long-term rental, not because I don't expect to stay here for a long time, but because I didn't want the hassle of having to buy furniture and all of that as SOON as I got here. It was also one of the cheaper options, so scrappy over here took it. 

I'm in the Fremont area of Seattle, which is a hip, trendy little neighborhood that has lots of breweries and eclectic shops. It was right up my alley. 

The place that I got is for 6 months and it's kind of like a guest house, behind someone's actual house, but it's stunning, honestly. I got there a little later than I had expected, but I can still see it's charm even at night. There are twinkle lights set up in the backyard, with a fire pit, and the lady I'm renting it from is like a sweet grandmother I never had. My commute to work will be about 10-15 minutes, which is amazing, and I totally plan on biking since Seattle is such a bike friendly city.

I've only been here five minutes and already Seattle feels so much like home

. . . 

I guess I never really told you what I do as a career, huh? I'm a graphic designer and I've done freelance for a while, but I've been obsessed with this company for the longest time. So I thought it was time to make the switch. Back in college, a lot of my friends went into sales and I just couldn't fathom doing that.

I was always more of the creative spirit and didn't have the personality that it takes to succeed in the sales world. I'll never forget my senior year of college, a professor said that 70% of us would end up in sales. It absolutely terrified me, so I did everything I could to go the opposite way. 

I moved to London to go to grad school where I received my Master's in Graphic Design and I previously received my Bachelor's in Marketing - so I'm kind of a double whammy. I can strategize but also design, which is a cool mix if you ask me. 

At this new job, I'll actually be on the marketing team as their designer, so I'm excited to bring both of my degrees to life. I really didn't know this is what I was going to end up doing in my life. I had always thought I'd be a 5th grade English teacher. No idea why, except that I have always been obsessed with books - hence my 2 containers full of books being shipped to me as we speak. Now, my favorite past time is sitting in a coffee shop, listening to a great playlist, and reading a book. 

Seattle is the perfect place for this because there's so many coffee shops and cute book stores. I know I'm going to fall in love with this city more than I already am, but will I fall in love here as well? 

Time will only tell. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2020 ⏰

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