Heir of the First Dragon/Wolf (Prologue)

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(Over 10,000 years ago)

Deep in a mountain and vast forest following a stream branching off a great river in a small cave set into a hill surrounded by deep forest. A wolf lay panting in pain by a pool from which the stream originated.


"Gijon! GIJON! Where are YOU!?" The silver wolf howled and screamed as she lay on the pile of scrap fur in a large cave. A snow-white wolf with silver streaks running through her fur and golden eyes with silver flecks in them who's size was that of a horse or bigger. GIIIJONNN!!!! The wolf howled again hoping to find the one who could help with the pain the bulge on her stomach was giving her as she tried to get through the pain. Looking out in to the night she whined and howled looking for the one whose name was called in this wolfen language which used both a unique mental and verbal mix to communicate.

As she lay beside the pool in the cave she could only wait in fear as the next convulsion came over her and howl even louder for how much more it hurt while screaming for the one she wished to be there. While the pain had caused her to go blind for a minute a shadow passed over the cave entrance and a silver dragon crept up to the entrance from the woods just beyond the cave.

"Who's there Gijon? Is that you? AAAHHH! IS that you Gijon!" The large wolf panted out between the waves of pain in her stomach.

As she looked outside of the cave during a respite from the pain she saw a silver scaled creature come out of the woods into the clearing. It had a large form about the size of a bus with two wings on its back a long serpentine tail and neck and head like a horse but more wolf and predator like.

She saw a dragon approaching but as it walked up to her it grew smaller and smaller till it was the size of a horse and its wings fell into its back becoming one with the body. As this was happening the silver scales the dragon had flattened out into skin and then grew fur black as the nights when it is very cloudy and the moons not out. The creature's claws that could rip limb from limb formed into paws the size of a horse hoof or bears paw that were just as dangerous for they still had claws that could be deadly. As the bones cracked and snapped from the shift from dragon to wolf what was once a scaly tail was now a lush fluffy and big fur tail were once horns were two perky wolf ears stood and were the big pure silver eyes with gold flecks of a dragon were now small but fierce pure silver eyes with gold flecks of a wolf.

When the young female wolf saw this she became relieved for she saw why her mate could not reply. Since he was making himself smaller to be by her side and had to focus on shifting since it was still new to both of them who were the first of their kind.

"I am here my heart I'm sorry I could not reply Fenaeir I had to shift so I could be in here it's not big enough for a dragon and a pregnant wolf in labour love." Said Gijon in wolf speak even though both new each other's languages. The silver dragon who was now a pitch black wolf roughly the size of a horse walked weakly up to his mate even after going through the tiring shift to be with her through this amazing ordeal that was to befall them this night.

"Let me see my heart." Gijon said as he looked at his mate to try and help with what should have been a simple birth of wolf pups. As he did this he summoned what little he could of his mana after using it to shift and focused mana filled with fortitude, love and courage to his mate to help with the pain of the birth. While using what little magic he had left to help Fenaeir deal with the pain he looked her over to see what could be causing this birth of pups to be so complicated. As he looked her over and brought his head down to her stomach he saw how absurdly big her stomach had gotten in the last few days since he'd last been with her. Gijon now knew what he would have to do and knew that he wouldn't be able to use what little mana he had left to ease her pain.

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