Ho ho holy shit- It's not even Christmas!

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Yo. I'm going to fill some requests~!
(2k15 edit: I don't care about Hetalia. It's been a year. If you wish to comment, consider directly talking to the person using the IM/Private Message feature. This fandom caused me so much anxiety, so out of respect, please do not comment.)

Alfred lifted up his eyebrows and opened his mouth slightly. He smeared the red lipstick, and smiled. "Hot damn, I am one sexy lady~!" He laughed and winked to himself. He adjusted the rust green crown on his head, and adjusted his dress. Sexy Statue of Liberty costume payed off, but standing next to Maple Leaf Matthew is going to be hard.

Meanwhile, Arthur adorned a headband halo and gag wings. He was going as the Brittanica Angel, toga and all. He also helped Ivan into his Pikachu costume... He had no idea why Pikachu, but Ivan wanted that costume so they got it.

The four met up, pillowcases and all, to start trick or treating.

"Alright, dudes! Let's go! I'm the leader, of course~!" Alfred cheered, and started at the first house.

"Trick of Treat~!" All four sang in unison.

"Happy Halloween!" The old lady giving out candy smiled.

"Thank you, love. Hope you have a wonderful Halloween." Arthur replied.

They trick or treated for a while, filling up their pillow cases at a moderate speed. Ivan seemed to like all of the decorations, while Alfred hid behind him.

The spookiest thing that Halloween was the cold. Snow flakes made their debut, and started to dust the lawns.

The weather began to change from cold to 'ohmyfuckitscold'. The remaining hair on Alfred's legs remained standing, and goosebumps on all of their arms.

"Fuck this, let's go to the shitty Halloween Party. It's not like we have anything better to do. Besides, I'm freezing my ass off and can't feel a thing." Alfred complained, teeth chattering and arms crossed.

"Alright, love..." England sighed, pulling the two along.

"It's not that cold!" Matthew laughed, and caught up to the three.

"Not cold my ass, Mattie. Right now it feels like we're in Arendelle! Fuck." Alfred swore.

"It's not as cold as Russia, da?"

"Yeah, I'd die in your country, Ivan." Alfred sighed.

"Stop complaining, Alfred." Arthur snapped.

After walking back to the car, Alfred took the keys,"Let's party, bitches~! Buckle up. I don't want a ticket."

That's the last thing Alfred could remember, other than from pictures from Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. From what he could price together, Alfred knew they showed up, took shots with Denmark, making out with both Arthur and Ivan, and after that's a mystery.

Arthur kept getting all blush-y around me and Ivan, and I can only assume... That something happened.

Also, it didn't feel like there was fighting, or any reason to pick at this point. Alfred knew they loved him, and the feeling was mutual. It's like having a family, like having a normal life.

Normal. Definitely not the right word. Alfred yawned and rubbed his eyes. His bottom felt a bit sore, but he didn't wonder why. He saw a sleeping cuddling ball of boyfriends next to him. Alfred smiled, and crept back into bed and into the pile. It was too cold to go out today, after all, there was snow in the air and ice on the ground. Right here is where he belonged.

Hi. I'm really happy with this ending, so this might be the last chapter, unless you have any suggestions? And yes, I am now an active shipper of Rusuk, Rusame, Usuk and RusUsuk. I think they're adorable. -Michael Pin :)

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