The Party: Part One

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WARNING!! Some offensive gay slurs, and other mature content such as drugs and sex. Do not read if not mature enough for this. WARNING!!

Here they were again. Another day, another party. Most of the Westberg High School students were there, even Veronica Sawyer, and of course, the Heathers. They were all crammed into Ram Sweeney's house, who is the popular linebacker on Westberg's football team.  Everyone was having 'big fun' as they kept yelling out. That was, everyone except for Kurt Kelly,  who was in a corner, completely sober. He was most likely the only one sober there anyways. Kurt Kelly is the Quarterback of the football team, and more importantly, Ram's best friend. They go everywhere together, bully people together, play football with each other, go on double dates, etc. Kurt and Ram had undeniably gotten really close over the years. After all, they had been friends since kindergarten. Which is why Ram can tell when anything is wrong with Kurt, even when he is extremely drunk.

"Heeeeeeyyy Brooo! W-what's wrong, man? C'mon, let's goo paaarrrtttaaayyyy!!" Exclaimed Ram as soon as he found Kurt, bumping into the side of him. "Why don't we just get s'more alcohol from my parent's liquor cabinet?" Ram was slurring his words like crazy. Ram grabbed Kurt's arm and pulled him to the liquor cabinet, but Kurt didn't grab anything. "I don't know man, I'm not really feeling it tonight." Kurt tried to go back to his corner, but Ram grabbed his hand and said "C'monnn mann, for meee!"

 "alright, I'll have one beer, but after that, I'm done." 

"Nice, man! Punch it in!" 

Kurt and Ram bro fisted, then Kurt grabbed a beer from the liquor cabinet and started chugging it. Kurt then put his beer to the side, went out to the middle of the room, and started dancing. He yelled to Ram, " You've got no balls if you won't dance with me!!!" Ram joined Kurt on the dance floor, and the two were dancing back to back. The crowds were yelling at them, 'Kurt! Ram! Kurt! Ram!' in a sporadic order, which made the crowd sound ten times louder than they were. Ram thought he heard Kurt say something through the noise, but he ignored it. Obviously, something was wrong, but Ram wasn't going to push it. The only problem was, Ram was the issue.

Why can't I get him off my mind? He's all I can think about.

Kurt's thoughts were running wild. 

Is it normal to think about your best friend so much?

He couldn't stop them.

But normal people definitely don't think about hugging, kissing, and making love to their best friend.

He tried to get out of his thoughts, but the more he rubbed against Ram while dancing, the worse his thoughts got

You could see his face becoming cherry red, almost as red as his Letterman jacket, and you could see it. Whatever, he could just blame it on the alcohol. Ram and Kurt got more tired, and with their fatigue came horrible dance moves. Ram decided that he was done, so he got out of the middle of the dance floor, and wandered his way to find the Heathers.

"I'll be rrrright back dude!"

And the darkness was back.

Without Ram, Kurt felt incomplete. This was why Kurt was in the corner. He realized that he needed Ram to survive, and most likely could not survive without him, or without him, he would have a missing piece for the rest of his life. But, it had not always been like this. Kurt remembers times when all he could think about was his home life, or how much fun football was, or which kid to bully each day (although he did not feel too great about that one.) But recently, in the past year or so, things had changed. He started noticing the way Ram did his hair, or how his blue eyes sparkled. Sometimes he would stare at Ram for so long that Ram would notice and say, "What are you, a faggot?" and Kurt would reply with "Of course not! Are you stupid?" But in his mind, he would be thinking:

Rough Love// Kram (Kurt and Ram) Heather's FanficWhere stories live. Discover now