The Party: Part Three

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Kurt bolted up the stairs to wake the boy of his dreams.

Advil in hand, he quietly rushed into the room and poked Ram on the cheek. (the face cheek)

He's so cute. I wish I could just kiss his cute little face, and ruffle my hands through his hair...

You know what, why not?

Kurt reached his hand up, and almost touched Ram's perfect chestnut brown hair, but hesitated.

But, what is my plan B?

How could I get out of this one? If he woke up, he would ask why I ran my hands through his perfect locks, and then he would call me gay, and then he would never talk to me again, and then my life would be ruined because Ram wouldn't be in it, and then life wouldn't be worth it, all because I touched his hair. And I have no excuse for touching it, so I shouldn't.

Kurt pulled back his hand, then gently called out, "Ram! Bro, you passed out last night! It's 10 A.M. and we gotta clean up this mess."

Suddenly, Kurt heard a loud groan. "uuuuurrrrrrggggggghhhhh.... my head duuuddeeee.....

can you get me some Advil? It's in the top cabinet in the kitchen...Jesus Christ my head hurts like hell..."

"Don't worry bro, I got you." Kurt grabbed the old glass of water on the stand next to the bed and gave Ram the water and the Advil as he sat up.

"You know me so well, mannnnn-" Ram put the Advil in his mouth, then chugged the water until the pills were out of his mouth and traveling down his into his stomach, on its mission to make his headache not so bad. Ram got out of bed and stood directly next to Kurt looking him in the eyes.

Fuck, his eyes put me in a trance. I wish I could fucking kiss him. Fuck.

Then, Ram said something that Kurt would never expect Ram to say.

"Bro, I could hug you right now."

This caught Kurt completely off guard, and so he just blurted out a response, without even thinking.

"Bro, why don't you then? I'm totally fine with a hug."

Shit. Why did I say that? He's gonna call me gay. shit. ass. tits. balls. fuck.

"Alright, man. Bring it in. I need a hug after last night."

What happened last night? Mac said that Ram was lonely, but he didn't tell me what happened. I should've been there for him, but I wasn't. I was too busy sulking in a fucking corner to notice that he was feeling lonely.

Kurt was mesmerized in his thoughts when it happened. Kurt was just standing there, spaced out, his thoughts running 200 miles an hour. And Ram decided that it would be the perfect moment. Ram weaved his arms through Kurt's limp arms and grabbed on to Kurt tight, chest to chest. This was the exact moment when Kurt came out of his trance. He immediately hugged back, their chests up against each other. Ram's head was leaning on Kurt's chest, and they just stood there for a minute. After what seemed like forever, Ram said,

"you get me. It's like you can read my mind, and just know what I want all the time."

"Of course I do, we've known each other since kindergarten. Before that even, because our dads were best friends. And I feel like I can just read you now, and understand you because I've known you so long."

There was an awkward pause.

Ram quietly, but harshly said, "...Then why couldn't you read me last night?"

Rough Love// Kram (Kurt and Ram) Heather's FanficWhere stories live. Discover now