The Party: Part Four

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Off they went down the stairs, Kurt blushing like wild and Ram still hiding his face.

Once Kurt and Ram got to the bottom of the stairs, they found Mac and Veronica, talking against the counter. There were flirting, but the way they did it was so... subtle.

Damn... I wish I could do shit like that. But Ronnie is just... too smart.

"Hey, Mac! Ronica! How are my lovely ladies?"

Great, he's back to being a douche bag. Well, you know what they say, when your best friend/person you are in love with is a douche, you have to be a douche as well. (No one says that).

"You guys here for some alone time with the star football players?"

Kurt smoothly slid in that comment as Ronnie stared straight at him. She looked... disappointed, and Kurt knew that he hurt her, but he had to do this because of his reputation. He had to, right?

While Ronnie was staring Kurt down with clouds of disappointment, Mac looked at him with her understanding eyes, and Kurt knew that everything was going to be okay. Maybe. Ram, now noticing his house in shambles, looked around in disbelief at the mess the high school thrasher created. There were many sleeping people, obviously who got drunk or high and passed out, there were hundreds of bottles of different alcohols and liquids on every flat surface you could see, and the furniture was all messed up. Not only that, but some of the walls had indents or holes, or the paint was peeled off, and the ceiling had more stains on it than you could imagine. And worst of all, the liquor cabinet was not only missing a door, but the whole thing had been pushed over by some teens. Ram had had some wild parties at his house, but this was the worst it got.

Ram stood there, with his mouth agape and his eyes as wide as they could get.

"H-holy shit guys! My fucking house!! My dad is going to kill me when he gets back from that fishing trip. Fuck!!!"

You could always tell when Veronica was coming up with a plan in her head, like a mental checklist of what to do. As Veronica was doing this, Mac just stared at her. You could tell she was in awe. After about a minute of just standing around, Veronica said,

"All right, guys. Here's what we do. First, find every single person in this house, wake them up, and tell them to leave. After that, we find trash bags and get all the bottles first. Ram and Kurt, you two will stick together to find the drunks while Mac- I mean, Heather and I will get the trash bags and start on the bottles. This is going to take awhile. Now, go!"

As the team broke from their brainstorm, Kurt and Ram decided it would be best to check the upstairs first. After all, that's where the beds are. They didn't need to check the first room since Kurt and Ram slept there. Although, they would have to check the bathroom of that room because you never know.

The boys decided to check the room farthest on the left first, the one with the waterbed in it. Kurt was a little nervous to open the door because teenagers can get really horny, especially when they were drunk, or at late-night parties, and he knew that from experience. Kurt opened the door slowly, with Ram following behind him. What they found was beyond shocking.

What they saw was Duke and Chandler, both lying on the bed, in their skirts, but they were only wearing their bras. Their makeup was super messy and they were sprawled across the bed.

Jesus, thought Kurt, how the fuck did this happen? Is everyone a fag or something? Or are they all just mocking me because they found out and I'm actually in Hell? You never know.

"Uhhhh..." said Ram, trailing off, "We kind of have to wake them up and get them out of my house, but how? I mean, that's totally hot, but I feel like I don't want to get caught up in all of that, so...."

Rough Love// Kram (Kurt and Ram) Heather's FanficWhere stories live. Discover now