The Party: Part Two

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Kurt Kelly had just woken up in Ram Sweeney's arms; Ram was his best friend, and more importantly, the man he loved. He was certain. Kurt did not want to move. He wanted to be like this forever, but he knew that he would eventually have to get up. Oh well, he might as well enjoy this moment while it lasts. He suddenly felt Ram's breath get heavier, which sent shivers down his spine. He loved it. And he loved Ram, more than anything. Cuddled in Ram's arms, he realized that he would do anything for the taller boy, who had chestnut brown hair, and eyes that dazzled like the stars.

I can't get over his eyes.

Then, like every other morning, Kurt's thoughts started flooding in.

What if someone walks in and calls us fags?

What if Ram wakes up and calls me a fag?

Ram means more to me than anything, but he would hate me if he knew. Everyone would. That's just how our school is.

I don't care if I lose my reputation, but I can't lose Ram.

All of these thoughts were running through Kurt's head, when they suddenly stopped, due to Ram squeezing Kurt's chest. at that moment, all of Kurt's thoughts vanished, and he could only think of one thing:

Ram smells nice.

Kurt sunk back in, closing his emerald eyes. And just as he did that, he felt Ram move around. Ram grabbed Kurt and pulled him in an extremely tight hug, chest to back. Kurt did not know what to do, how to process this. Ram seemed to still be sleeping (his breathing patterns were the same) so he must have just pulled Kurt towards him in his sleep, right?


Kurt needed to know, even though if Ram was awake he'd probably be weirded out by Kurt for turning around. But he could just brush it off and tell Ram that he was just turning around because his arms were uncomfortable as shit (although they weren't it was, in fact, the opposite.) Kurt always had a plan for getting out of the situations he knew he would get himself into, even though his plans sometimes backfired, which led to his downfall. Well, hopefully, this time his plan would work.

Alright, here goes nothing...

As gently as he could, Kurt grabbed Ram's arm and lifted it, and quickly but quietly turned and flopped back on the bed, making sure not to disrupt him if he was sleeping. Kurt looked straight at Ram, but he seemed asleep. His breathing pattern was the same, but something seemed off.

Oh well, I guess I let my curiosity get the best of me.

It was just then that Kurt realized the position that he just put himself and Ram in. He was up close to Ram, face to face, with their bodies pressed up against each other. Ram's arm was still around Kurt, so it basically looked like they had just made out and pulled their heads away, but stayed almost completely in place. Kurt would be in heaven right now if he weren't almost certain that there were definitely people from their school downstairs, passed out on the couch or just straight up on the floor from having a night filled with booze and dancing. He noticed that he could hear someone talking downstairs.


Shit. Shit. SHIT!!

Kurt embraced Ram for another minute and then decided to get up. He pushed Ram's arm to the side, and got out of bed carefully, making sure to not wake the sleeping angel of a boy. Ram groaned, and murmured something, but was still fast asleep. The green-eyed boy snuck downstairs, where he found the one and only Heather McNamara whispering to Veronica-fucking-Sawyer! Kurt didn't like eavesdropping, so he started tiptoeing away until he heard this:

Rough Love// Kram (Kurt and Ram) Heather's FanficWhere stories live. Discover now