Vamperic Flu

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(sequal to Yogurt rests)

Vampire: *In the top half of his bunk bed Sniffling* 

Alchemist: BROTHER WAKE UP! *climbs up and yanks the blankets from him*

Vampire: *pale and feverish* okay..... *slowly gets up* *is clearly very dizzy*


Vampire: *coughing during breakfast*

Alchemist: *thinks hes faking*

Blueberry Pie: Vampire sweetie you sound so hoarse... are you alright?

Vampire: *weirdly hoarse groan*

Blueberry Pie; *feels vampires forehead* warm. Vampy *lets him lean on her* were going to the sofa bed so you can rest. *leads him there* alchemist get the bed out.

Alchemist: *gets the trundle out*

Vampire: *lays down on it sniffling*

Blueberry Pie: now vampy rest. Ill be back soon to check your temperature.

Vampire: bood? *sniffles*

Blueberry Pie: yes  i will bring blood jellies. *kisses his forehead*

Vampire: *smiles weakly at mom* *yawns and goes into a light nap*

Blueberry Pie: *goes to get blood jellies and a thermometer*

Alchemist: brother stop faking being sick!

Vampire: IM NOT - *harsh hacking coughing fit before holding his throat in pain*

Blueberry Pie: Alchemist! Stop tormenting your sick brother! Vampy are you okay?

Vampire: *about to speak* meep! *holds his throat* *starts to cough again* *shakes his head*

Blueberry Pie: did you loose your voice Vampy? *worried mother* *pets his forehead*

Vampire: *nods* *Smiles when mom rubs his head*

Blueberry Pie: Alchemist get a thermometer. NOW.

Alchemist: okay mom. 

/3 minutes later/

Blueberry Pie: *takes Vampires temperature*

Vampire: *holds Thermometer in his mouth* *his normal temperature is 25 degrees*

Blueberry Pie: *removes it 10 seconds Later* 33 degrees thats a bad fever... *frowns*

Vampire: *shivering*

Blueberry Pie: *Places a blanket over her sick son* 

Alchemist: hes faking right mom? *knows Vampires body cant handle a virus well* hes actually not this sick right?

Blueberry Pie: hes not faking alchemist he really is that sick-

Vampire: *Sneezes* *his nose is so plugged up he makes a pathetic sounding sniffle* *weirdly hoarse groan*

Blueberry Pie: im going to get something for the fever and some medicine. too bad Yogurts busy... *goes*

Alchemist: *takes a closer look at her brother*

Vampire: *groans shivering holding the blanket tightly close to him* *has pale flushed skin with a sheen of sweat having unfocused eyes*

Blueberry pie: *comes back with blood jellies and medicine along with a ice pack* *places a ice pack*

Vampire: *Clings close to mommy holding his stomach*

Blueberry Pie: *rubs vampires stomach* Shhhh.... just  take this and rest sweetie... you'll feel better eventually.... *Puts medicine in his mouth* 

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