Chapter 15

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The place they took us was amazing. When you walked in, there was a high chandelier and a red carpet that led up to a podium where you would say your name and how many people (that thing). There was a wall separating us from the other room, so we couldn't see anything. The waiter/whatever-you-want-to-call-the-guy-at-the-podium opened the intricate pattered door to lead us into the dining hall. I had to hold on to Liam to keep from falling over when I looked up at the ceiling. It looked as tall as a cathedral, but I'm sure it wasn't. The chandelier here was…wow. There was a huge dance floor in the middle of the room, and tables on each side. It was fancier than a club, but not as fancy as a five start restaurant because it had a dance floor. I noticed a door that led outside into some type of garden I couldn't quite see, and I made a mental note to visit it later. The waiter-guy led us to a table, and we all sat down couples next to each. I got water with Bella and Sam, and everyone else got coke. We all ordered and Niall was right: the food was fantastic. After dinner, Lou and Sam started busting moves on the dance floor and everyone else soon followed, which left me and Liam alone. A smile spread across his face and I could tell he had an idea.

He pulled me out of my seat and walked towards the door I had noticed earlier. A butler-guy was standing in front of it, so I was no way to get out. As I looked over the guy's shoulder, I realized there was a pathway that curved leading into the garden so I couldn't see anything. Liam whispered something to the guy that I didn't catch because I was looking out the glass door. The guy nodded and walked through a different door and emerged a second later with a key that he quickly fit in the lock for the door; Liam held it open for me like he was welcoming me into a whole new world.

I walked through the door and ran to the corner, but turned around before I could see it to wait for Liam.

"Exited?" he asked, grinning. All I could do was nod, and then he held out his hand for me. I took a deep breath and took it. Suddenly for some reason I was nervous.

He led me around the corner, and as soon as we were past the bush, I stopped dead in my tracks with my mouth wide open. There was a stone pathway leading up to the most beautiful little bridge you have ever seen stretching over a little pond. White Christmas lights were strewn over the bridge and bushes like fairies. It was amazing. Liam led me over the bridge to a bench on the other side of the pond; I was still in a dream. We sat down together, and I leaned my head on his shoulder. We stayed there for a while just like that, and I was about to fall asleep when he said, "Bells told me you loved fairy tales, so…"

I looked up at him, but I was still so shocked that all I could look was kiss him lightly on the cheek. He pulled me on his lap and held me tight. "I don't ever want this night to end. Thank you, Liam," I whispered. He smiled and kissed the back of my neck softly. A slow song started to play inside, and Liam asked, "Emily, can I have the honor of this dace?"

"Yes you may," I grinned at him, and got off his lap. He pulled me into his arms and we danced in a circle. I draped my arms around his neck and smiled. Staring up at him and all I could think was…Cinderella. I felt like Cinderella. Liam was my Prince Charming and this was The Ball. I leaned my head on my Prince's chest and listened to the beating of his heart. He leaned his head gently against mine and we swayed to the music in our little garden.

The song ended all too soon, but when it did, I looked up at him. I was about to thank him when his lips pressed against mine. Once again, I felt the sparks and the butterflies in my stomach. He pulled my close and kissed me harder, so I kissed him harder, too. My fingers got tangled in his hair, and his arms were wrapped around my waist. I had to pull away to catch my breath, so I looked down and pressed my head against his chest. I could feel he was breathing heavily, too.

"The boys are probably looking for us by now," he whispered in my ear.

"Yeah," I muttered, his whisper had sent chills down my back.

He starting leading me inside, but stopped in the middle of the bridge. He looked down at me and lightly kissed me on the forehead. "You're beautiful."

He immediately started walking back in, I guess to prevent me from arguing. Actually I just blushed. Liam Payne, who could have any girl in the world, said I was beautiful, and it really seemed like he meant it. Truly and honestly thought I was beautiful…

He was right, the guys were looking for us. We found them and told them we were fine, but Bella must have seen the star-struck look on my face. She started whispering to Michelle, then Michelle started muttering to Sam, then Sam to Jackie. Then they all started talking to the boys. "Liam, I think they know something," I whispered in his ear. He nodded and held me close like he was trying to protect me from something.

"Hey guys, did anything happen?" Harry was the first to ask.

"How about we take the girls somewhere special? Should we go now? Yeah, let's go," Liam said talking really fast. He started walking to the door, and everyone just followed. The questions didn't stop though. In the van, Lou shouted, "I think they snogged!" Oh, God.

"Yeah… Look, she's blushing!" shouted Niall. I think I'm gonna die.

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