Chapter 13

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Emilia's pov

I sat in the hospital waiting room. My eyes were puffy and red from crying. I had to urge to cut, but I couldn't since I was surrounded by people. I brought my legs up to my chest, and buried my face in my knees. I was struggling to choke back tears. Liza was the only one I had left. My mom's not going to come back. I know her she won't. My dad's gone too. All I had was Liza. And I though living by myself would be easy. Hah. I just lost everyone. But I had a feeling this was all going to get worse.

"Hey Emilia, can we talk?" Millie asked while walking over to me.

I nodded and we walked away from the others, so we could talk in private. She didn't say anything at first. She just stood there looking terrified.

"Ok so there's something I need to tell you," she said to me with a slight panic in her voice.

"What is it?"

"Em I lik-," she was cut off by another voice coming from behind.

"Em the doctor wants to talk to you."

I turned around and saw Jaeden. I nodded and he grabbed my hand and led me to where the doctor was. Whatever Millie was going to tell me couldn't possibly be as important as this.

"Are you Emilia Claire?" the doctor asked me with a slight sorrowful expression written on her face.

"Yes. How is Liza? Is she going to be ok?"

"I'm sorry but she was already dead before she got here. There was nothing we could do. Believe me we did try to revive her. But it was too late. I'm sorry."

Those words shattered my whole world. Liza was gone. She was really gone. I fell to the floor in a ball, sobbing my eyes out. I wanted nothing more than to go home and escape my pain. I never wanted to die more than I did right now.

I was still crying when I started to feel dizzy. The world around me started to spin. And then everything went black once again.

Jaeden's pov

"Emilia!" I cried out to her as she passed out.

The doctor hurried her onto a bed and brought her to a room. I tried to run after her but they stopped me.

A nurse turned to me and said, "Don't worry. You can see her when she wakes up. This is just a precaution. I'm sure she's fine."

I hope she's right. Today's has been traumatic enough. I walked back towards the others and they swarmed around me asking what happened.

"So Liza passed," the people who actually cared started to cry. So obviously Millie's friends didn't. They barely even knew her. "And Em passed out."

As soon as I said this Millie's head shot up and she rushed towards me.

"Is she ok? What happened?"

"I don't know. They took her to a room and said we can see her once she wakes up."

Millie looked extremely worried which was odd, since she hated Emilia. I gave her a puzzled look and she glared at me. I decided to walk away. I sat down on a chair and waited for her to wake up.

thirty minutes later

A nurse walked over to me and smiled. "She's awake."

I got up and followed her to the room. So did Sophia, Sadie, Chosen, Wyatt, Gaten, Jeremy, and Millie. We got to the room and saw her lying on the bed, looking pale, with an IV in her arm.

I walked over to her and I was shocked by what I saw. She had cuts all over her arms. I knew that she was sad but this? Why didn't she just talk to me? I could've helped her.

Another nurse walked over to me and said, "She is alright. We ran some tests and she passed out due to extreme stress and panic. Which makes sense since her sister just passed. Also her blood alcohol level is still quite high, which led to some dehydration. That's why there's an IV in her arm. We're trying to flush some of the alcohol out of her bloodstream. She should be able to go home in about an hour."

I nodded my head and sat down in a chair next to her bed, waiting for her to wake up.

Millie's pov

God Jaeden's such a little bitch. He think he can steal Em from me? He's got another thing coming. I'm going to make his life a living hell. Starting with making Em mine.

I followed Jaeden into the room. He walked over to talk to the nurse, but I went straight to Em. She looked so pale. And her arms were covered in cuts. I couldn't help but blame myself. Some of her cuts were probably because of what I put her through.

Jaeden finished talking to the nurse and sat down in a chair next to her. I decided to stay standing. We glared at each other, but stayed silent.

However Jaeden has other plans. "Why are you here?"

"What do you mean?"

"You heard me. Why are you here? You hate Em."

"You're wrong. I hate the she's hanging out with you."

"Don't do that."

"Don't do what?"

"Pretending to care about Em when you clearly don't. You made here life hell. Those cuts on her arms? They're because of you. She tried to kill herself because of what you did to her. So don't pretend for one fucking moment that you care! Because I know you don't."

I felt tears coming to my eyes. "W-what? She did?"

"Yeah she did. So you being here is only going to make it worse. So get out."

"B-but-" I struggled to speak through the oncoming tears. But Jaeden cut me off anyways.

"You heard me. Get the fuck out of here!"

I went to leave but then turned to face him. "Fine. I'll leave. But this is far from over. So watch your fucking back."

I turned around and walked out of the room. Once I was out of his sight I started running. I ran outside and then I broke down. I can't believe that I made Em try to kill herself. I only bullied her because I love her.

Hey guys!!!! I'm back! Sorry it's been so long since the last chapter. I'm going to try and update it more. Until next time. Bye forrrrrrrrrr now!!!

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