Alternate Ending

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Emilia's pov
I got out of the shower and checked the time once more. School was out. Everyone would be heading back to their house. If I could just catch Jaeden on his way to his house, I could say goodbye and push him away. And then work on everyone else.

I looked out of my window and saw Jaeden walking by. Perfect, I can go talk to him right now. I walked outside to see Millie chasing after Jaeden and yelling for him to wait up. That's odd. They hated each other before.

I watched as they talked, but I was too far away to hear them. Jaeden turned around to leave but Millie pulled him back. Then she kissed him. I gasped, and both of them turned to look at me. I turned around and bolted inside, as Jaeden ran after me and telling me to wait.

As soon as I got inside I locked the door and ran up to my room. I pulled my diary out and began to write my last entry.


Dear Diary,
I know what I said. I know I said I was going to say goodbye to everyone, but I think they've already moved on. At least Jaeden did. He's with Millie now. And I know I told you that I liked Millie. I did. But not nearly as much as I was in love with Jaeden. He was the reason I held on as long as I did. He made me feel like someone actually cared about me. And that scared me, so I ran. But now, knowing that he doesn't care, hurts even worse. I can't stay here anymore. Knowing that the one person I truly loved, is in love with someone else, is worse than any pain I've ever experienced. And I can't just run away, I couldn't afford that anyways. There's only one thing I can do. I know I told you I would do it next week but I can't wait anymore. It hurts too much. Living hurts too much. Feeling hurts too much. Loving hurts too much. Thanks for being there for me diary. I'll miss you. You were the only one who understood me. Which sucks, because you're not even real. But I'll take what I can get. This is it world. Goodbye.

I closed my diary and left it on my desk for someone to find. I needed someone to hear my story. Anyone to hear my story. I don't want to be forgotten, but I don't want to be here anymore. I sighed and got up from my chair. I heard Jaeden banging on my door. "Emilia! Please let me in!"

I blocked him out and walked into my bathroom. I grabbed my knife and a bottle of pills. I needed to make sure I was dead. I opened up the bottle slowly, my hands shaking the entire time. I dumped them into my hand and swallowed them. Then I sat on the floor and picked up the knife. I carefully put it on my arm and was about to slit it open. I took a deep breath and braced myself. And as I was about to push, my door burst open.

Jaeden's pov

As soon as I got to Emilia's house I realized her door was locked. But I needed to talk to her. I had to get in there. I'm worried about what she might do if she's upset. I don't want her to hurt herself anymore. I have to get in there. I started knocking really hard and trying to break the lock.

"Emilia! Please let me in!" But she didn't answer. I kept trying to open the door and I kept calling out to her. But she didn't come. I started to look around to see if there was a spare key anywhere. I kept moving stuff around to see if I could find anything.

After a few minutes, I found a key ring with ten different keys attached to it. Well shit, this is going to take a while. I tried the first key. It didn't work. I tried the second key. It didn't work. I kept trying every key, until I got to the last one.

"Emilia! Where are you? I have to talk to you. Please! It wasn't what it looked like!" I started searching everywhere on the bottom floor. I ran from room to room trying to find her. Trying to save her from herself. After finding nothing down here I decided to go upstairs.

I quickly ran up the stairs and bolted to Emilia's room. I opened the door and I didn't see anything. But then I noticed the light in her bathroom was on and that her door was cracked. I quickly opened the door and saw Emilia on the floor, next to an empty pill bottle and holding a knife to her arm.

I quickly grabbed the knife out of her hand before she could cut herself. Then I picked her up and dragged her to the bathtub, so I could gag her and get the pills out of her. After she threw up, I gave her some water and sat on the floor next to her.

"Jaeden, why are you even here? You don't even love me. You're with Millie now." I sighed and looked over at her. "Emilia, I love you, not Millie. She kissed me to try and make you think I didn't like you anymore so she could have you. I'm really sorry I let that happen. I promise, you're the only one I love." Emilia sniffled and looked up at me.

"No one's ever said that to me before. And actually meant it." She wrapped her arms around me and buried her face in my chest. I smiled softly and looked down at her. "Well I do. Just promise me you'll never hurt yourself again. And if you feel like you need to, call me. I'll come over no matter what time it is and I'll help you. I promise."

She looked up at me and smiled. "I promise." Then she leaned up and kissed me.

Emilia's pov

I smiled at Jaeden and said, "I promise." Then I leaned up and kissed him. It was as if I could feel my pain melting away. And in this one moment, everything felt right. I pulled away and looked back up at him. "Thank you. You saved me. No one's ever cared enough to do something like that for me before."

He smiled back at me. "Anytime." And it was at that moment I knew. I knew that I could be happy. It won't happen right away. But I think being with Jaeden is a start. And maybe someday, we'll finally be happy together.


Hey guys! Thanks for reading! This is the end of the book. You can chose for yourself which ending you want. I didn't want to force one morbid ending on you guys, so here's the happy one. I hope you guys enjoyed this book. There will not be a sequel, as the storyline doesn't really have any place to go. I love you all! Bye for now!!

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