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I think there was so much anger, 

it filled up our every day life.

It swallowed us up whole, 

until eventually anger was all we thought.

Resentment followed, of course, and soon after hate.

With no way to sate the fire, became burnt and scorched.

Pain and justice rung in our ears

and we ran around in circles trying to win.

Anger fought alongside with us, 

he was there hidden in the shadows of our hearts.

Created from moments that hurt the most,

fed with the things he no longer could take.

He made us courageous and brazen,

yet, blinded us with false hope of satisfaction.

Anger lived within us at the time, 

and even now,

a little piece of him is still here.

We usually leave him alone;

try not to feed or acknowledge him.

He's content with where he is right now,

knowing his place and accepting his existence.

As long as we're careful not to poke him,

he's busy holding himself steady.

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