In this empty house

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In this empty house,

are years of memories.

Laughs and wailing cries,

drift by like passing breeze,

The carpet stains and broken walls

are the truest MVP.

They fought and cheered alongside us,

and held us when we were in need.

This empty house means so much more,

than just its outside view,

It bled and crumbled just for us,

so we can start anew. 

A/N: Thank you so much for making it to the end of part 2! I hope you look forward to the last part, "Ocean Waves". I know, some things must be confusing; I promise I will explain one day! I honestly contemplated not finishing this series, but something really urged me to continue. I think I've held my creative side away for so long, it's just bursting out of it's seams right now! My grammar and writing methods are a little weird and unusual, and I'm thankful that you've endured it until now. I am still learning and figuring things as I go along, so maybe I'll re-edit some chapters, or maybe I'll just leave them be. Who know! 


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