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Hello, and welcome to Cobweb Head, I hope you enjoy your stay! 👋

This is a work in progress, and I will try to update as much as possible 🙏


Swearing 🤠 there will be some mild cussing in this novel!

CreEeEpy 💀 there will be some scary moments, but not too frightening. It's more fantasy than horror 💃

Mental illness 😊 there will be mentions of mental health, so this is a lil' trigger warning.

Mentions of substance abuse there won't be anything full front on, but I will acknowledge it at some point in the story. 

Australian-ness 🐨 yup, so there may be some phrases or words spelt differently from american grammar, so if you can't understand something at some point I'd be happy to let you know! 👍

There will be a lot of diverse characters from all kinds of backgrounds, so if I get something wrong please let me know ✊ 

I'm open to all kinds of criticism, just try not to be too nasty, my poor little heart can't take it <3

If ya'll see any mistakes, feel free to point them out for me (: I'm currently editing, but I could've missed a few things 0:

Happy reading ya jellybean! 💕

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