The best day of my life

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Hey! I'm y/n Toizer, sister to Richie "trash mouth" Toizer. The date is June 20th 1960, today is my last day of school before summer, I'm 14 years old and I'm going into the 9th grade, my first year of highschool. I've always wondered what high school would be like but now that it's only a couple months away...I don't want it to be here already, cause you know what that means, in high school you get split up. I don't wanna be split up from my friends, my friend group includes: Beverly Marsh, Bill Denbrough, Ben Hanscom, Eddie Kaspbrak, Mike Hanlon, my brother Richie Toizer and Stanley uris, you had always had a crush on Stan, ever since you guys first met when you were about 8, stan's basically your best friend and that's why you can't ever tell him how you feel, cause if you do he might not feel the same and stop talking to you. You were snapped out of your thought by a familiar voice, it was your bother, Richie. "Huh what?" You ask. "I said, do you have the math notes." Richie said laughing a bit. "Yeah, here." You say handing him a notebook from your locker. "Thanks, I'll give it back before lunch." Richie said and you nodded as he walked away and you continued getting your stuff from your locker when you heard a familiar voice, it was Stan. "Hey y/n! What's up?" Stan said with a big smile on his face, Stan was awfully happy today, you wondered why. "Hey stan, nothing much." You say giggling a bit. Stan smiled "hey, can I walk you to class?" He asks smiling and blushing a bit. "Sure." You say smiling and getting your stuff and closing your locker as you and him begin walking. You notice him looking at you every once in a while but you blow it off and smiled to yourself.
*stan's pov*
Y/n is so pretty, I've liked her for forever, I wonder if she feels the probably not, why would a girl like that like someone like me anyways? He sighs and fixes his books so they're neatly stacked on top of eachother.
*y/n's pov*
Soon after you guys walk for a bit you reached your first class, social studies. But bad luck for you both, you had it with Henry bowers, Henry bowers is a tall kid, about 14 or maybe 15, You and the losers absolutely despise Henry bowers, he was always hanging out with his two friends, belch and Patrick hocksteter, you guys hated them too. You and Stan sit near the losers and you guys talked for a bit until class started.
*after class*
After class you and the losers get up and walk out the classroom, as you walk to your locker to get your stuff Beverly comes walking over to you. "Hey bevy!" You say smiling. "Hey y/n, soooo I heard Stan has a crush on ya" Bev said smiling and leaning against a locker. "Oh yeah? And where'd you hear that?" You say blushing but you just try laughing it off. "From Eddie." She said. "And where'd he hear that?" You ask her. She shrugged and you continued getting your stuff ready as she walked away. You go to your class.
*during lunch*
you and the losers all get your guy's lunch's and sit down, you always sit in between Stan and bill. But today seemed different, today you noticed bill staring at you, usually he's staring at Beverly but this time it's you. "What?" You ask him. He just smiles, you feel as if it has something to do with the whole Stan liking you thing but you brush it off and eat your lunch.
*after school*
After school you walk out of the building and start heading home when Stan comes sprinting over to you. "Hey! Y/n wait up!" He says. You stopped walking and turned around and looks at Stan, who was now standing in front of you. "Hi." He said smiling at you. You blushed "hi. What's up?" You ask. "Nothing, hey mind if I walk with you?" He asks, you smile and nod. You both start walking to the direction of your guy's house. You looked at Stan. He noticed you were looking at him so he looked at you and smiled. "He's so cute" you thought to yourself. "Hey Sta-" you say before he cuts you off. "Do you wanna go to the movies with me on Friday?" He asked. You turned red and he looked at you, you couldn't believe what you heard him say. "Yeah sure." You said back to him. He smiled and blushed. Soon after you both said your goodbyes and went your Separate ways to your houses.
*later that night*
Later that night you took a shower and put your long y/c/h into two braids and out on your favorite pajamas. And climbed into bed and thought about what Stan said and you soon after fell asleep.
*Stan's pov*
At around 9:00 Stan put on his pajamas and climbed into bed and looked at a bird book for a couple minutes and then sat the book down. He smiled to himself as he thought about y/n and how she agreed to go to the movies with you. Soon after he was thinking he feel asleep.
AU: ahhhh I know this is short but yeah sorry haha!

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