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Shen Wei took out his spare key to open his apartment door. Finally inside, he cried his eyes out in despair unable to come to terms with what happened in Zhao Yunlan's house.

"What happened?" Yezun said emerging from the living room and walking towards his twin. He hugged him and waited for him until he calmed down. Xin Ci joined them when suddenly Shen Wei wiped his tears dry and bowed with embarrassment.

"Please, excuse me" he dashed to his room trying to avoid the two bewildered men. Xin Ci frowned and quickly took the phone to call his nephew. His voice showed a serious unhappiness when he directed Yunlan the sudden question.

"What did you do to Shen Wei?" Like lecturing a little kid about fighting with another. Xin Ci hated seeing his twins being hurt or cry. He seems very angry and Yezun just took the chance to grasp the moment he always longed for being all selfish.

"What do you mean? I insisted to drive him but he didn't accept, plus we finished work and I praised him" Yunlan was biting on his lips. He knew deep inside what his uncle was talking about, sure Shen Wei came back home broken and it could be easily shown on his face.

"It's time to follow my heart. I have fallen in love with him and now that I know about his heart, I'll do my best to win him over and make him mine. But first step to do is to break up with Zhu Hong"  said Yunlan after he hung up with his uncle.

"Shen wei, are you okay?. Please open the door" Yezun was too worried as he left Xin Ci in the living room and came to check on his brother. He knocked three times before Wei opened for him with a bright smile but sure swollen red eyes.

"I am fine, don't just come here leaving your boyfriend alone. Go" Shen Wei tried to pretend and fake his good mood but Yezun could still feel it deep inside the pain and sorrow his brother was living. He felt so depressed on not being able to do anything to help him.

"You are more important darling" said Yezun before Shen Wei pushed him away with a gentle smile. He winked at him and waved with his hand for his brother to go. He didn't want to spoil their date or ruin his brother's happy moment. He is the type to suffer in silence.

Yezun and his lover left the house and went for a ride around the city. But Yezun insisted that they park in a quiet and less crowded area. Xin Ci knew what was on his mind so he drove to his big mansion. He had such a beautiful place inside his house.

"Where is this place?" Yezun saw the large road leading to a big gate with high security measures. He was looking around with amazement. Xin Ci was so happy to see such a surprised expression on Yezun's face.

He was warmly welcomed by his security guards and servants. The mansion loomed proudly behind creaky iron gates, flanked by rows of skeletal trees crowned in crimson, swaying gently to the chilly autumn wind.

Driving in silence Xin Ci had a happy smile on his face for making Yezun his first one to visit the place he lives in. Yezun was looking around the huge building like a big king palace, sadly he only saw that on television but Xin Ci opened a new dreamy life for him.

"This is the main house, but there are two others one on the left it's Yunlan's one and the other is mine where we are going now" said Xin Ci.

Yezun was astounded for the big area of ​​the house that was larger than expected as it contained three large houses and a small lake. It was a whole city and to move from one place to another you need a car or small household cars for servants to move around in-between houses.

"That's magical, I never seen this in my entire life Xin Ci" Yezun felt a bit out of place and shy. He could never compare to this man or even dream of how much he was super wealthy. He can buy a country if he wants to. What Yezun saw till now was only a droplet of water in an endless ocean.

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