The Day the Demon Met the Dog

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Sanctum's P.O.V
I was walking around the forest searching for lost mortals to feast on when I saw someone standing there looking at the stars. For some reason,when I saw him I couldn't help but feel my face becoming flushed.
He looked so cute just standing there,I went up to him and asked:Care if I sit next to you?
He answered with a polite nod.I asked him what was his name and he replied with: Drift,what's yours?
I did not answer but he understood that I was uncomfortable talking about it.
So we sat under the stars and talked to each other about our lives and what it was like
When we realised that it was getting late we both went our separate ways agreeing to meet up in the same spot the next night.
I did not know why I was attracted to this boy,but I knew that I had to find out.
So that was the day that I met Drift,the Hound of Hell
And the day he met me, Sanctum the Demon...

*Sorry the first chapter is so short guys I'm a new writer this is my first story so pls be gentle😅 I promise I'll get out a new chapter as soon as I can so cya and I'd definitely wanna be ya!

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