The Date

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Third P.O.V

As it was getting late both of them decided to eat their dinner together, they went to Drift's favourite burger place called Durrburger. As they sat down to eat their burgers Drift couldn't help but wonder wether or not this was a date.

Drift's P.O.V

Is this a date? I mean its clear he's into me and I'm definitely into him and a date is technically 2 people who like each other going out to dinner. So is this a date?! OMG I need to make sure wether or not this is a date before I do something stupid and embarrass myself infront of him.

Sanctum's P.O.V

Holy shit this burger is good                                                                                                                                                     As I sat there I noticed that Drift kept squirming and blushing in his seat, I heard him murmer: oh god I can't embarrass myself infront of him!                He's scared that he's gonna embarrass himself infront of me? Aw that's so cute.... I was confused as to why he thought that so I asked him: Why do you think you'll embarrass yourself infront of me? He looked so shocked when I said that, he explained that: The reason I'm nervous is because I really like you, and when I say I like you I mean that I think that I'm in love with you........                He's in love with me? So that's what this warmness in my heart is, love. Could you follow me somewhere? He nodded, so I dragged him to a hill deep inside the woods, when we reached there he looked astonished. It was a hill overlooking the ocean, I sat down and told him to do the same, he asked me why i brought him out here and I responded saying:this is where I come to when I'm stressed and just want peace, no one knows that I come here. He asked if I never told anyone that I come here, why did I tell him? I chuckled and told him: just now you said that you think you're in love with me. I took off my mask and his as well as I got closer and closer to him, I think I'm in love with you too I said. And I kissed him......

Heyyyyy people who read this story this is a new chapter as u guys can clearly see Ive been trying to improve the storyline but as usual I'm failing So again I wanna thank u guys for reading shitty ass stories so cya and id definitely wanna be ya! :D)


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