Love at first sight

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Drift P.O.V

I went back to the forest to meet up with him again

And there he was, how could I miss him?
His white hair swayed in the wind
His mask covered his face giving a mysterious aura to it all
And his blood red eyes shone throughout the night like a pair of red jewels
I walked up the hill towards him and greeted him politely
He greeted me back with a small blush on his face,I chuckled and sat next to him.
As usual I asked him his name but surprisingly this time he actually answered me
He replied with: My names Azerath,but you can just call me Sanctum
He seemed sorrowful when saying this
But I didn't want to push so I just ignored it
That was about the best thing I got out of him all week. I don't know why but the moment I laid my eyes on him I somehow fell in love
When I was little I remember how my mother told me the story of how she and my father met
How she fell in love and had me.
How my father destroyed their marriage with only four words
And how even on her deathbed she called the love she and my father had love at first sight.
Drift~ Driiffffftttt~

Sanctums P.O.V
Drift? Drift?! DRIFT!
He snapped out of his daydream immediately after I did that.
He looked dazed so I asked him what he was thinking about.
He responded with a murmur that sounded something like: nothin
I shrugged it off thinking he was just thinking about what to say next
Although I have to admit that he looked really cute when he was daydreaming.....
I slapped myself, WHY DID I THINK THAT?!?!? What is this warm feeling I get when I'm around him.
Even though I've only known him for a few days,it feels as if though I'm in love with this boy
It feels exactly like.....
Love at first sight.....

hey guys this is another chapter so here ya go another chapter for ur demented minds if ur somehow reading this(unless ur my friends Nigel,Emmy,Nat or Zeng Zeng) so if anyone besides them is reading this i wanna say thanks :D

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