The Kiss

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Drift's P.O.V

When he kissed me, it felt so......exhilarating. It felt as if a spark was lit up inside me. So I grabbed the back of his head and I kissed him back, and for a full minute we sat there kissing passionately until eventually we pulled apart due to lack of oxygen. We kissed again but this time I pushed him on the ground and laid above him as our tongue's battled for dominancy. Eventually when we stopped, I questioned him on what this kiss meant, he whispered shyly asking me: "I mean if you want to we could go out..." I happily excepted. After that we fell asleep on the soft grass, I don't remember much after that. I remember waking up in a soft bed seeing Drift on the other side making breakfast, and I thought to myself: 'maybe falling in love isn't so bad after all...."

To be continued.....

HELLOOOO CHILDREN, sorry for publishing this chapter so late I've just been really busy with online classes and stuff due to my country being in lockdown( Im asian deal with it) this will be the final chapter for this part of my story :P, im planning for this story to be a 2/3 part book.

anyway thanks for reading and i hope you don't get corona

Edit: yea I'm not makin a sequel sorry

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