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The Secret
The Dead Body

Lacey Merrill was known as a slut in her little town of Castle Rock. She never did anything bad and would get in trouble very rarely but with the record her brother had she got tossed into the stereo type. Even though the people in her shitty little town wanted to believe she was bad, her little group of friends knew who she really was. She had known them since the 1st grade and told them everything.

Well not everything. Her and Chris had been best friends since they were babies actually and they never noticed they had feeling for each other until April after the death of Denny Lachance. That day when the funeral was over Chris sat on the young girls bed and held her until she couldn't cry another tear. Denny had been a big part of Lacey's life and she just couldn't believe he was gone. Even though the lose of Denny changed her life Chris was always there for her.

The real question though was......when were they gonna tell the rest of they're friends they were dating and had been for four months?

• • •

There the two sat in the tree house. There faces attached and holding hands. They put the little make shift table on top of the trap door so if any of they're friends were to come in they would have time to stop kissing a act natural. As 'Jailhouse Rock' Lacey flew up, detaching her lips from Chris, and began to dance in the small little space.

"What are you doing now Lacey?!" Chris asked laughing as Lacey held out her arms for Chris to pull himself up with. Instead the boy pulled her back down by the cuffs of her jeans and kissed her on the lips.

"Your too cute Chris." Lacey said as Chris smiled. She began to giggle and kiss him again but there was a knock at the door. Lacey quickly sat up and went across the make shift table. Chris then spread out cards and lit himself a cigarette. As he did that Teddy and Gordie both burst through the door.

"Hey fuckers what's up?!" Teddy shouted abruptly. Teddy began to speak but as he was Lacey couldn't help but get up and dance at the beat of 'Rockin Robin'.

"Lace you playin or not?" Chris asked as he handed the dancing girl a lit cigarette.

"Sure." The blonde haired girl said with a smile on her little face as she sat next to Chris. She blew the smoke from her stick of tobacco into his face and laughed. As he swatted the smoke away a smile crept on his face. "Gordie you joining?"

"Yea I guess so."

"Hey,how do you know a French mans been in your back yard?" Chris asked as Teddy handed out the cards.

"Hey,I'm French okay." The boy with coke glasses said.

"Your garbage cans empty and your dogs pregnant!" Chris spat out making all of us except Teddy laugh.

"Didn't I just say I was French?"

"Yea but you got to admit that one was pretty funny." Lacey said as Chris smirked at her.

"I knock." Chris says as he took another hit of his cigarette. "Twenty-nine."

"Twenty-six." Lacey said confidently.


"Awe piss up a rope!" Gordie shouted making Teddy laugh.

"Gordie's out! Oh Gordie just bit the bag and stepped out the door!" Teddy said making Lacey laugh along with him. Gordie got up and stomped over to the other part of the tree house to read a magazine.

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