Dedicated to: xxstoptryingxx for being amazing and just the best person, EVER. <3
There was the beautiful academy. It was made out of small irregular bricks of un polished granite the surface un smooth and jagged but still beautiful in its own way. The gates were iron and were painted a deep black. The grass was a eccentric emerald colour with small unnoticeable patches of dull amazon green, tiny weeds still poking out of flower beds. Lavender coloured lilacs were arranged in a sloppy inviting manor and in all the place was falling part. Of course it wasn't what many would imagine. Many would imagine a polished marble MANSION of a academy that was huge and well kept. Too bad they couldn't design it. The candles were just being lit and weirdly all the wax dripping was dripping to the right, bright against the navy blue sky as the new arrivals rushed in. The cool breeze blew onto the grass slowly like a whisper. A kind whisper.
"Ahhh..." gasped the dragon holder her peachy pink lips making a small O and her bright gold eyes wide. She gave a soft smile and breathed another breath of wind from her hideout. She watched the 17 year olds waltz into the academy surprised by how small and unkept it was. The dragon holder brushed her hair to the side as she began a melodic song;At dawn the woodpeckers sing,
across the meadows the meadows they go,
not quite sure whats in hold.
But they bravely fly along,
singing their song...
to all those who hear,
a goodnights sleep they shall bear.She stopped still in a tiny trance then she drew up the quests as she thought about the faces she had just seen. She drew... she drew their fate.
Of course down below no one knew about this song but at the same time they listened at the back of their heads. The warm glow around these people promised a goodnight... but of course you can only predict.
AdventureIn this time period and dimension every 17 year old MUST past the Quest to keep their magic. Of course not everyone passes, do you want to know about what happens to them? They become human, forced into the first dimension and banned from this time...