Chapter 3

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Once the period was over, Shane ran over to Karma to find out what happened with Amanda.

"So, what happened?" Shane asked.

"Nothing really, we talked and she asked me out." Karma said, with a small smile.

"And what did you say?" Shane asked.

"I said yes." Karma said.

Shane smiled at Karma, a smile that made Karma conscious.

"I should've said yes, right?" Karma asked.

"Yeah, what do you have to lose? Plus, you never say yes to anyone, so you must have seen something in her." Shane said.

"Yeah, you're right. Thanks." Karma said, feeling reassured.

Amy felt like shit. She couldn't believe this was actually happening. The whole point of not telling Karma who she really was, was to make Karma fall in love with her, not push Karma farther away than she already was.

"We came as soon as we got your text. What's up?" Lauren asked, rushing toward her usual lunch table with Liam.

"Karma thinks Amanda is me." Amy said, she's already been seated at the table for the past ten minutes.

"What?" Liam asked.

"Karma thinks Amanda is her secret admirer." Amy said.

"How do you know that?" Lauren asked.

"Because I saw them flirting in English class." Amy said.

"Why does she think its Amanda?" Lauren asked.

"Because I told her we have classes together and Amanda and Karma have history and English together." Amy said.

"Maybe you should've been more specific about the classes." Liam said.

"You think?" Amy asked, shooting Liam a dirty look.

"It's okay, you can fix this." Lauren said.

"How?" Amy asked.

"Just text her saying, you aren't Amanda." Lauren said.

"Do you really think, it'll work?" Amy asked.

"It's your best bet." Lauren said.

"You're right." Amy said, taking a deep breath. She took out her phone and began typing.

Karma was sitting a couple of tables away with Shane, when her phone buzzed.

"You got the wrong girl." The text read.

"What do you mean?" Karma replied.

"I'm not Amanda." Amy replied, within a second.

"How can I know that for sure?" Karma asked.

"Why would I lie about not being Amanda?" Amy asked.

"Maybe so that you can continue this whole secret admirer thing for longer." Karma replied.

"Why would I want to keep my identity a secret if knowing who I am, makes you flirt with me." Amy said.

"How do you know I flirted with her?" Karma asked.

"Because we have English together.." Amy replied.

Karma looked up from her phone with a confused yet surprised look on her face.

"What's wrong?" Shane asked.

"Amanda isn't my secret admirer." Karma said.

"How do you know?" Shane asked.

"Because the person who actually is, just told me he or she or whatever isn't Amanda." Karma said.

"Amanda is cute though." Shane said.

"Yeah but she isn't my admirer." Karma said.

"So, what do you want to do?" Shane asked.

"I'm not sure, I mean Amanda's cute and nice and everything but I really want to find out who this person is." Karma said.

"You can go out with Amanda and still find out, who your admirer is." Shane said.

"I can?" Karma asked, a little embarrassed.

"Of course you can, you aren't committed to whoever it is. I mean, you don't even know who it is." Shane said.

Karma thought for a moment and then said, "Yeah, you're right."

"See it's to avoid stuff like this, that I ask you who you are." Karma replied.

"You know I can't tell you that." Amy replied.

"Yeah well, you might want to reconsider that, seen as how I'm going out with Amanda on Saturday." Karma replied.

Amy's heart sank when she opened the text. What was supposed to be the beginning of her fairytale was soon becoming her worst nightmare.

"What happened?" Lauren asked, seeing the sadness on Amy's face.

"She's going out with Amanda on Saturday." Amy said, sounding dejected.

"Then you should do something to keep her attention." Lauren said.

"Like what?" Amy asked.

Lauren thought for a moment.

"Tell her you'll reveal your identity to her on prom." Lauren said.

"Are you sure, that'll work? Plus what if I'm not ready?" Amy asked.

"Then you'll never be ready. This seems like the only way because clearly she really wants to know who you are and this'll give her an incentive to stick around." Lauren said.

Amy looked to Liam to hear his opinion on all this.

"Lauren's right, what do you have to lose?" Liam said.

Amy took a deep breath and began typing.

"I'm going to tell you who I am on prom." Amy typed, with shaking fingers.

Karma read the text and got excited.

"Prom is too far away. " Karma replied.

"She says she'll tell me who she is at prom." Karma said, looking up from her phone.

"Are you sure it's a she?" Shane asked.

"No, I should probably ask." Karma said.

"Take it or leave it." Amy said. Amy didn't actually feel as brave and cocky as she wanted to sound but that was one of the reasons why she hadn't told Karma who she was, so she could become everything Karma needed, become perfect for her, before she put herself out there.

"Fine, but you have to tell me at least this, are you a girl or a guy? Because I'm gay you know." Karma said.

"I know you are and don't worry, I'm a girl." Amy replied, with a smile.

"Okay then, if you can't tell me who you are, at least tell me the important stuff." Karma said.

"Like what?" Amy asked.

"Like, how old are you?" Karma asked.

"17." Amy replied.

"What's your favorite color?" Karma asked, not being able to think of anything else to ask.

"Green, yours?" Amy asked.

"Red." Karma replied.

"I figured." Amy replied.

"How?" Karma asked.

"You always put red lipstick." Amy said.

Karma blushed a little when she read the text, she did love red lipstick.

"Okay, what's your favorite Tv show?" Karma asked.

"Friends, yours?" Amy replied.

"Aah, now we're getting somewhere. Mine's friends too." Karma replied.

Amy liked where this was going, she finally felt like she was getting to know Karma, even if they were little things like what her favorite color was, Amy wanted to know it all. Every single detail.

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