Chapter 15

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A/N: Hey guys! I'm sorry I've been taking so long to update but I've been suffering from a case of writer's block. I have another chapter which will be coming up in the next couple of days and that'll be the last chapter of this story. I hope you guys like where the story goes! Let me know what you think!

Amy and Karma had been together for a while now and they'd decided to try and make their friends become friends with each other. And so they decided to all have lunch together that day.

Liam, Lauren, Shane, Karma and Amy were sitting at a lunch table together, surrounded by an awkward silence. Karma and Amy exchanged worried looks; no one really knew what to say.

"Lauren, did you know Shane has English with us?" Amy said, randomly.

"Yeah, I know." Lauren said, in a disinterested tone.

"You know, we all went to the same kindergarten. How weird is that?" Karma said, after a while, trying to bring up a common topic.

"Really? Are you sure?" Shane asked.

"Yeah, I am. It's weird that we've been together for so long but we've only started talking now." Karma said.

"Yeah." Amy said.

They were once again surrounded by an awkward silence, a silence that apparently nothing could fix. They spent the rest of the lunch eating their food silently, hoping and praying for the bell to ring.

"Well that was a disaster." Karma said, when she and Amy were alone.

"I know but it's okay." Amy said, as she walked Karma to class.

"How is this okay?" Karma asked.

"I'll talk to Lauren and Liam and you talk to Shane, maybe there's something we can do to make them feel more comfortable around each other." Amy said.

"Okay. I'll see you after class." Karma said, once she and Amy had reached her class.

Amy gave Karma a quick kiss and headed toward history. Their history teacher was absent and so Amy, Lauren and Liam got a free period, which meant Amy had sometime to talk things through with her friends.

"What happened at lunch today?" Amy asked.

"What do you mean?" Liam asked.

"I mean, none of you said anything." Amy said.

"That's not true." Liam said, defensively.

Amy shot Liam a look.

"Okay fine, maybe it is." Liam said.

"Is there something going on that I should know about?" Amy asked.

"Look, the reason why we didn't say anything is because we have some unresolved issues with Karma and Shane." Lauren said.

"What unresolved issues?" Amy asked.

"For so long, we tried talking to them, tried befriending them and they used to look through us and now just because you're dating Karma, they want to be nice to us?" Lauren said.

"Come on guys, that was a long time ago." Amy said.

"It wasn't that long ago and I guess it still stings me a little bit." Lauren said.

"At least try to get along with them? For me?" Amy said.

"We can try but what if they don't want to be friends with us?" Liam asked.

"Look, they do and all I'm asking is for you to try, okay? The rest is not on you." Amy said.

Lauren looked at Amy, not fully convinced.

"Come on guys, I really love Karma and I want things to work out with us and the only way that can happen is if you guys are on board." Amy said.

"Fine." Lauren said, after a pause.

Karma spoke to Liam after Amy had spoken to Lauren and Liam and so she knew what to say to Shane.

"Why didn't you say anything at lunch today?" Karma asked.

"Because I don't really know Lauren and Liam or even Amy for that matter." Shane said.

"The whole point of us eating together is so you guys become friends." Karma said.

"Yeah and I have no problem with doing that but it's not like they said anything either." Shane said.

"That's because they're upset with us." Karma said.

"Upset about what? We don't even know them." Shane asked.

"Apparently, they've tried to talk to us in the past and we kind of ignored them." Karma said.

"It wasn't like it was on purpose, we barely talk to anyone." Shane said.

"I know but I think we should apologize to them." Karma said.

"Apologize for what?" Shane asked.

"For hurting their feelings." Karma said.

"Oh come on!" Shane said, as he and Karma began walking toward English.

"Come on, please? I really need things to work with Amy and that requires you working things out with her friends." Karma said.

"Fine." Shane said.

Once they'd reached English, Karma asked Shane to apologize to Liam and Lauren before class.

Karma pulled a hesitant Shane toward Liam and Lauren.

"Guys, Shane and I have something to say to you." Karma said.

Shane looked at Karma and she elbowed him.

"I'm sorry." Shane said.

"For what?" Lauren asked.

"For, being bad to you guys in the past." Shane said, giving Karma a look.

"I'm sorry too." Karma said.

Lauren and Liam exchanged looks but didn't say anything.

"Come on, you guys are a huge part of our lives and we want all of us to be friends and make this work." Amy said.

"It's okay." Lauren and Liam said together.

Shane, Lauren and Liam exchanged polite smiles. Karma looked at Amy relived, glad to have overcome the latest roadblock standing in the way of their relationship.

After that day, things got a lot better between Shane, Liam and Lauren and Amy and Karma were starting to think they might be becoming friends. Shane and Lauren started hanging out separately, talking about fashion and Liam and Shane found a common interest in basketball; which Liam watched for the love of the game and Shane watched for the cute guys. Everything was right in Karma and Amy's world, a world they'd began to share together, a world with all their friends.

No one could wait for prom, especially Karma and Amy; the prom meant so much more to them than everyone else, it was the thought of seeing each other at prom that had kept Karma and Amy going and now it was close that couldn't contain possibly their excitement.

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