Chapter 11

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A/N: Hey guys! I just wanted to let you know that I might be a little irregular with updates this month because I have some stuff coming up but I will be sure to update at least once a week. I hope you guys still stick around and like how the story progresses. I hope you like the chapter; let me know what you think!

Amy couldn't help worry about what she was going to do about Shane even though Lauren, Liam and Amy had decided to deal with him after Amy's session with Karma.

Amy was so nervous as she drove up in front of Karma's house. She'd somehow managed to switch numbers without raising too much suspicion in Karma's mind. Amy took a deep breath and knocked on Karma's door.

"Hey." Amy said, with a nervous smile.

"Hey." Karma said, with a warm smile as she stepped aside to let Amy in.

"Sorry I'm late." Amy said.

"Oh that's okay. We can study in my room." Karma said, leading Amy up the stairs.

A set of butterflies ran amuck in Amy's stomach at the thought of going to Karma's bedroom. This was something, Amy had only dreamt of.

"So, what do you want to start with?" Karma asked, taking a seat on her bed.

"Oh we can do the character sketches or analysis of Romeo and Juliet or maybe something about Shakespeare. Anything really." Amy said, rambling.

Karma looked at her with a smile on her face.

"I'm sorry, I'm rambling." Amy said, with an embarrassed smile on her face.

"That's okay, maybe we should just read the play first." Karma said.

"Yeah, that's a good idea." Amy said, picking up her book.

Karma kept checking her phone, every five minutes.

"Are you waiting on a call or something?" Amy asked.

"What? No, I just, I was waiting for someone to reply." Karma said, still looking at her phone.

Karma decided to text Amy, she hated not being able to talk to her.

Within a minute, Amy's phone buzzed. Amy's heart began racing, she was sure Karma'd figured it out.

"Aren't you going to get that?" Karma asked.

"Get what?" Amy asked.

"Your phone just buzzed." Karma said.

"Oh did it?" Amy asked, trying to be nonchalant.

Amy knew if she stayed, she had a very high chance of getting caught.

"It's my mom, she wants me home. Do you mind if we continue this another time?" Amy asked.

"Sure, no problem." Karma said.

"Thanks, I'll see myself out." Amy said, grabbing her stuff.

Amy let out a sigh of relief once she was out of Karma's house. She'd have to do something about her phone whenever she was with Karma. Amy was worried Karma had figured it out but she told herself that Karma would've said more had she figured it out. So, Amy decided not to overthink this and went home.

The next day, Amy saw Shane stand alone by his locker and decided to go talk to him.

"Hey." Amy said, walking up to Shane.

"Hey." Shane said.

"Look, I know you know and I'm just here to ask you not to tell Karma." Amy said.

"So you admit, it is you!" Shane said.

"Yeah and I don't want Karma to find out." Amy said.

"Why not?" Shane asked.

"Because we're in a good place and I don't want anything to get in the way of that." Amy said.

"Doesn't she deserve to know who you are?" Shane asked.

"Yes, she does. But she deserves to find out from me." Amy said, as she and Shane began walking toward English.

"She's my best friend, I don't want to lie to her." Shane said.

"I'm not asking you to, I'm asking you to let me tell her. Its my secret to tell." Amy said.

"Fine." Shane said.

Amy smiled; relieved that was rid of this problem. She seeked out a seat near Karma and went and took it.

"Hey." Amy said, sitting down.

"Hey." Karma said, with a smile.

"What are you doing tonight?" Amy asked, surprised at her own confidence around Karma.

"Um, I'm flattered but I think I'm seeing someone." Karma said.

"You think you're seeing someone?" Amy asked.

Karma thought for a moment. "I am seeing someone."

"That's great but I wasn't asking you out, I was asking you about meeting for the English project." Amy said, with a smile.

"Oh my god, yeah. Fuck, I'm sorry. Sure, we can meet at my place." Karma said with a smile.

"Perfect." Amy said. She couldn't help but smile at the thought that Karma thought they were together. Amy was starting to feel ready to tell Karma who she was, maybe even before prom.

"Where are you?" Karma texted Amy, after class.

"I'm swamped with my assignments. I'm sorry I couldn't talk yesterday." Amy said.

"It's okay, I just miss you." Karma said.

"I miss you too." Amy said.

"I'm literally counting down the days till prom." Karma said.

"Me too. I can't wait to meet you, properly." Amy said.

"Me either." Karma said.

"Hey Karma?" Amy said.

"Yeah." Karma said.

"I love you." Amy said.

"I love you too." Karma said. Karma had the biggest smile on her face, she'd known for a while now that she was in love with Amy but hadn't been able to get herself to say it.

"I know we haven't even met.." Amy said.

"Don't, you'll ruin it." Karma said, trying to stop Amy from saying anything more. They didn't need to talk about the complications of their relationship right now, this moment was too beautiful, too precious to ruin. Those things would still be there to deal with tomorrow, but you only tell the love of your life you love them for the first time, once. And Karma wanted to remember this moment for the rest of her life.

Amy wanted to jump, she'd never ever been this happy. She'd dreamt of this moment, for what had felt like all her life. Of course she was worried about what would happen when she actually met Karma, but she had a feeling they could survive anything.

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