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@Weeaboo_memeaboo thanks for the request! Sorry, but I will be using the name you made up for Momo's dad as I can't think of a better name for him. Gomen. >_<

(Momo pov)

I have just come home from the hospital. Or I should probably say from helping Midoriya, Kirishima, Midoriya and Iida rescue Bakugo. Mother would not be pleased. I am so sorry mother. He's a friend. We had to save him. That's what heroes do. 

I arrived at the house (A.N She refuses to call it a mansion) and greeted the butler before going inside. I went straight into the living room to find my Mother and Father. They were sitting on the couch. My mother was reading a book whilst my Father was typing something on his laptop. I knocked on the wall to alert them of my presence. They looked up from what they were doing and looked somewhat surprised. 

"I am home Mother. I am home Daddy." 

"Hello, Momo. How are you feeling?" My father asked.

"I am ok."

There was a small silence. My Mother had continued reading her book and was now not paying attention.

"Your teacher called." My father said after what felt like ten minutes.

"He said you had gone and broken some rules. Is this true?"

Uh oh. I was hoping mother was going to talk to me about this. I don't want my dad to talk about it. What to do, what to do?!

"Well?" I could tell he was getting impatient. I ought to tell him the truth.

"Yes, Daddy. And I am deeply sorry for all the trouble I caused. I just really wanted to help Todoroki-Kun and I went along with him and didn't bother to follow the rules. I greatly apologize." I got down on my knees and literally begged for their forgiveness. My father wasn't having it though.

"Disgraceful. I am very disappointed in you." I knew he would be. Mother hasn't said a word. So I bet she is too.

"You are to go to your room and not leave until dinner time. Then tomorrow you shall stay in there until I am ready to see you." He is upset. I think he made that perfectly clear.

"Oh and this Todoroki-Kun. I don't want you speaking to him ever again. Is that clear?"

What!? I can't talk to Todoroki anymore? He wasn't the one who told me to come. Kirishima was in on it too. That is so unfair. But I dare not say that to my father.

"Yes, Daddy. I completely understand."

"Now hurry to your room before my patience. Runs. Out."

That means I must leave immediately. I am counting on you Mother. You are the only person who can calm him down.

(Kana's pov)(I have named Momo's Mother Kana meaning the one who has power.)

August was too harsh. Yes, our little princess has done something entirely unacceptable. But she does not deserve extensive punishment. 

"August my love. Please. Calm. She did go against the rules. But locking her in her room. Until you are ready? You might as well lock her in our mansion in America and not have her come back until the people she associates with have passed on."

"Now that is a bit too extreme Kana. I have simply told her to cut off association with one friend and have her kept in her room until I... say. So. What would you have done?"

"Talk to her. Ask her why she went against her teacher's rules and ask her what was on her mind when she did it. I am almost positive, she would have felt much. Much better."

He sighed and looked down at the ground. I win again.

"Why don't you talk to her. I will apologize over dinner."

"That is a very good idea."

I planted a kiss on my husband's forehead before getting up and heading to Momo's room.

I knocked three times before letting myself in. 

"Hello, Princess."

She was sitting on the rocking chair that faced the window in her room. She looked so beautiful. So grown up. I can't believe this is my baby girl. 

"Hello, Mother." She said looking at me. I walked closer to her to see she was stroking Mimi the cat. She did this whenever she was stressed about something. She always calmed Momo down old Mimi did.

I sat down on the chair that was nearer to her desk. It was well away from where Momo was sitting but it was good enough. 

"Why did you do it, Princess?"

I heard her sigh and Mimi yawning. 

"A friend was in need of help. Some of my friends and classmates came up with a plan to save him. But only two of them wanted to actually help him."

Ok. That was what it was. Hero work. But she didn't have her licence yet. That is what Aizawa meant. She can be so reckless sometimes.

"Mother I am deeply sorry and will accept my punishment."

I snickered a little when I heard her say that.

"What punishment?"

I turned to face her and her eyes grew large. 

"I've been let off!?" She looked very happy.

"You wanted to save someone. A deed like that should be praised not punished. However. You still disobeyed school rules. And a deed like that cannot go unpunished." She looked ashamed. But there was no need for that.

"You must stay here until dinner like your father has said. But you can leave whenever you like after that." As I said this she stood up and rushed over me enveloping me in a huge hug.

"What is this for?" I questioned.

"For being so amazing and supportive. I love you so much, Mother."

I was lost for words for a few seconds but quickly regained my composure and hugged her back.

"I love you too, Princess."

We stayed like that for a little while before pulling away. Her eyes look like her fathers. She is so beautiful. My little princess.

"As for Todoroki. You seem to respect him so you shall marry at dawn.

August came bursting through the door yelling "ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!"

"August my love. I was joking."

He looked embarrassed and fixed his tie saying "Yes I knew that. I was. Joking too."

"Of course you were."

Ok, what did you think? Let me know! And if you have any requests let me know. Toodles! X3

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