The birds and the Bunnies

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Okay, I made this short cause I couldn't really think of much for this story.

Masaru: It's ok. At least you're doing a father story in this book.

Oji: I'm doing this for Boo-Chan.

 Also, shout out to @Weeaboo_memeaboo for recommending this! Also, Dove is her OC

(Hawks/Keigo's pov)

I have a big problem. I am with young Tokoyami right now. He isn't doing too bad. But that's not my problem. My problem is HOW AM I GONNA GET OFF WORK TO GET TO MY DAUGHTERS DANCE RECITAL!?!?!?!

We're on duty right now. And investigating a robbery is gonna take a while.

"Hawks-Sensei. Did you hear what I just said?" Oops. Tokoyami was talking and I didn't hear him. If I pretend I heard he won't be mad!

"Yes? I heard you loud and clear." He didn't look too sure. Am I that bad at lying?

"You know you can take a break if you want? I heard your daughter has an event today. You should go."

"Really? But who will take over the case?"

He closed his eyes and smiled.

"I'll be fine Sensei. Dove is more important." Now I wanna cry. What did I do to deserve him?

"Thank you soooooo much Tokoyami!!!!"

"Okay, okay I get it you are happy! Now let go of me!" I stopped hugging him and walked to the door.

"But still thanks. I really appreciate you doing this for me."

"What are you talking about? I'm doing this for Dove. She is too precious for you to destroy her."

What a cheek! Oh well. Might as well go ahead. Having him around is like having a son. I feel so proud!


I've made it! I flew the whole way! I had to take care of a couple of incidents but it only took a little while. It seems the recital has just started. I head into the stadium to see my wife Rumi smiling and waving at me with a massive grin. I head towards her and sit next to her.

"You arrived just in time! The headteacher of the school has just finished his speech and they are about to start."

"Great! I had Tokoyami take over the investigation for me. Or rather he begged me to let him."

"Why'd you leave the kid to do it alone!"

"Babe he's like 20 odd now. He can do it."

The couple behind us seemed agitated by our whisper yelling.

"Would you please be quiet. It's about to start!"

Rumi stuck out her tongue at them and turned back to the stage. The curtains rose and there they were. Dove and her friends on the stage dancing their little hearts out.


Rumi started cheering with me.






The dance was finished but I didn't see Dove anywhere.

"Maybe she got tangled in her Tutu?" Rumi said.

"I'll go have a look for her."

I briskly walked backstage and had a look around. I see frills and quills but no Dove my Love.

I turn a corner and- Oh there she is.

I see a tiny figure in the corner. Slouched over and facing the wall.

"Hey there my little Snowbunny. Or should I say Showbunny? Haha."

She didn't budge.

"Dove? Are you ok?"

She turned to face me and now I can see she was crying! Oh shucks.

"Are you alright Angel?"

She leapt at me and gave me a huuuuuuuge hug.

"Papa." She whispered. "I really love you and Mama. But." But? She pulled away and looked me in the eye.

"PLEASE STOP EMBARRASSING ME LIKE THAAAAAAT~" She pulled me into another bone-crushing hug which should be impossible for her.

"Oh, Snowbunny." I gave her a kiss on the forehead right next to that little patch and whispered "I will never stop embarrassing you til the end of your days. It's my job after all!"

I stood up and held her little hand as we walked to the car while she still had a horrified look on her face.

Can't wait to tell Rumi that she actually yelled at me!

Sorry if it wasn't to your liking. I tried my best and had to think long and hard for this one. Toodles! X3

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