January 23, 2020

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It's been particularly cold lately. The weather has decided to drop overnight, the temperature becoming uncomfortable to most. However, I am not most. I've come to enjoy the morning freeze as I begin the trek to class each morning. No caffeine could compare to the rush one gets when the cold air hits their red cheeks, taking every ounce of comfort out of their stance. 

I find something refreshing about the winter. It's the wake up call we all need, but never are ready to receive. It's the reset button no one wants to hit, but will eventually accidentally bump. The cold has a tendency to make me think more clearly as it forces me to assess the situation. It causes everything in it's path to adapt, the broken and withered environment accepting its time to become new. Winter is the shake your child puts you through after they've had a bad dream in the night. It's a chance to take a breath, face the damage, and start over.

I've come to anticipate the winter each year. Maybe this fresh start is what everyone needs. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2020 ⏰

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